

Either somebody made overly enthusiastic promises to you or, alternatively, you’ve committed to more than was wise or realistic. Whatever the case, you must now deal with these tricky situations. The solution? Turn this into an exercise in creative ideas and inspired thinking. Slim down the concept. Keep what you’ve already planned, retain the inspiration, but come up with a setting that isn’t just different, it’s also more realistic.

Aries March 20 – April 18

For ages you’ve known tricky issues were brewing on the domestic or family front, but something’s always come first. Now that the situation is pressing, if not critical, you’ve got to address these problems, and soon. Get others involved. Their ideas will be worthwhile, and could possibly save the day.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

When you’re making even minor changes, as you’ll be doing this week, you’ll still tend to think them through in detail. But this isn’t about getting them perfect. The fact is, you’ll live with these for a long time, and so want to ensure they’re flexible so you can make changes, now and in the future.

Gemini May 20 – June 20

Agreeing to an exciting idea or new plan is easy. Dealing with the unexpected demands that came with what you assumed would be simple arrangements is another matter. Tempting as it is to hope things will improve, it’s unwise. The more swiftly you address these problems, and sort them out, the better.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

Sooner or later you’ll need to have a heart to heart conversation with somebody who can be tricky at the best of times. Understandably, you’re tempted to put this off. Instead, speak up. The individual in question is aware this needs to be tackled, and will be grateful you took the initiative.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Planning ahead may pave the way to getting more done, or at least it does most of the time. Now, however, you’re facing a combination of complex situations and your own uncertain feelings about several pivotal decisions. While, obviously, you’d like to get these dealt with, there really is no rush.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

On occasion, you encounter somebody who doesn’t care in the least what you think or, indeed, whether their demands make sense. This is exactly what you’re facing now and will be for most of the week. Out of character as it may be, leave them to their own devices and busy yourself elsewhere.

Libra September 22 – October 22

For ages you’ve been talking about making changes in elements of your domestic setup, but couldn’t muster the motivation to do anything. Now that the energetic Mars, Mercury and the Sun are accenting such matters, you’ll move swiftly from exploring certain ideas, to making plans and, soon, actually undertaking those changes.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

While it’s understandable you’re sidestepping certain potentially contentious issues, simply because tackling them would take so much time and be so unsettling, they’re unavoidable. In fact, by the week’s close you’ll be relieved these are out in the open and being discussed frankly. It’s the only way they can be dealt with.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

This is one of those strange times when ideas or offers as thrilling as they are unexpected emerge from seriously challenging situations. Tedious as the dilemmas you’ve been facing were to deal with, the resulting conversations weren’t just interesting, they’ve led to the life-changing plans, concepts or ideas you’re just beginning to explore.

Capricorn December 21 – January 18

Although the Capricorn Full Moon isn’t until the 10th of July, you’re already dealing with both the changes it will trigger and the feelings of vulnerability that it rouses. Unsettling as these are, this is about reaching out in ways as new as they are unfamiliar. The results will justify any temporary discomfort.

Aquarius January 19 – February 17

Long ago you realised there’s little to be gained by pretending problems don’t exist or covering up potentially embarrassing issues. But certain individuals are still doing exactly that. Tempting as it is to suggest they be more forthright about these, it would only upset them. For now, the less you say, the better.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

You’ve been put in the unenviable position of having to tell somebody their words or actions are causing others serious problems. While this includes you, and means you’ve had to struggle to overcome the damage they’ve done, you’re still hesitant about speaking up. Do it, and now. You’ll be glad you did.