

You’ll admit, in certain situations, you can be stubborn. Yet now that you’re tangling with an individual or, possibly, an organisation that is by nature inflexible, no matter what, you’re up against a challenge. The real issue, however, is a lack of imagination. Instead of battling this, become creative, propose ideas that are so far from the ordinary they can’t object. Have courage. Initially, the reception may be cold and dismissive. Persist, and soon they’ll begin to bend.

Aries March 20 – April 18

Usually the line between a tentative arrangement and the final plan is clear. But now, with the actual foundation on which things are based shifting, you’re better off regarding everything as a bit of an experiment. Do that, and you’ll be more flexible and, importantly, be more willing to take chances.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

Recently, life seemed to offer little but frustration. Now, suddenly, there’s a breakthrough that’s as sudden as it is welcome. And, better yet, several are appearing, in different forms. True, taking advantage of these may mean altering your thinking or even your plans. Still, the results justify being a little bit flexible.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

There are all sorts of promises. While some involve a casual agreement to get together, others are about solid arrangements. However, judging by the current planetary setup, those you’re being asked to make now are very serious indeed. If you’re unsure you can keep those commitments, sidestep them entirely.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

The fire signs tend to think a good argument clears the air. However, from your perspective, as a Cancerian and somebody who’s sensitive to such dramas, these are to be avoided. Still, judging by the current tense planetary setup, you’ll have no choice but to confront somebody, and in no uncertain terms.

Leo July 22 – August 21

As a Leo and a fire sign, you don’t give up easily. Once you believe in something or somebody, your commitment is wholehearted. Yet questions about the value of certain matters in your life are making you wonder if they’re worth the bother. These questions aren’t just important, they’re crucial.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Your instincts told you one particular individual isn’t just secretive, they’re keeping crucial facts to themselves. But without any proof, you’ve been reluctant to say anything. Now that there’s more information to go on, you’ve good reason to confront them. They know they’re in the wrong, and won’t be surprised.

Libra September 22 – October 21

If you feel isolated, either because of powerful differences with certain individuals or, alternatively, because you’ve been separated by circumstances, it’s no surprise. The current planetary setup is forcing you to focus on your own interests, to the exclusion of others. Once your mind is clear, next week, discussions can resume.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

The time has come to be frank about certain already tense issues. While you’ve discussed these with others and in a direct and open manner, you’ve sidestepped certain elements you regard as irrelevant to the matter in question. Once, that was true. Now, however, these can no longer be concealed.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

Don’t waste time seeking solutions for complex dilemmas. That may seem a strange thing to say, since those dilemmas aren’t about to vanish. While it’s true, they won’t, judging by the coming week’s twists and turns, the actual nature of the situation in question could change, and dramatically.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

Usually when facing difficulties, you’ll decide how the situation in question can best be dealt with, then take action. Yet with the forthright Mars in the portion of your chart that accents friends and colleagues, this is all about teamwork. Only once others are on your side can you proceed.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

Nobody is better at winning others over, even when the answer is no, at least initially. Yet now even you seem unable to persuade one particularly stubborn individual to break away from an arrangement that’s doing them no good, and worrying you. Be patient. They’ve heard you. They’re just taking their time.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

For now, your priority is getting things done, not doing them perfectly, as is usually the case. In fact, with the foundation on which arrangements are based shifting, probably several times, nobody can get it right. Take it slowly and gradually plans will settle in, but it could take weeks.