

Nobody enjoys life’s pleasures as much as you do. Yet according to your birthday chart, you’re on the verge of overdoing it. For this reason, you may actually welcome the demanding or, possibly, restrictive situations accented by the powerful position of practical Saturn in your birthday chart. In most cases, you’ll be responsible for organising these restrictions, and in all of them you’ll benefit. Once they’re settled, in fact, it will be a huge relief.

Aries March 20 – April 18

One of your most admirable characteristics is your ability to stick with what, and who, you believe in, despite obstacles or the opposition of others. Now, however, you’re urged to examine the nature of one particularly tricky situation. What seems worrying bad may actually prove to be worse than it seems.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

When you first suggested certain ideas, your mind was clear about how they’d work. However, you unwittingly neglected some rather important facts. Now that you’ve taken those plans back to the drawing board, ask somebody knowledgeable to review your facts before revealing your vision to ensure your renewed confidence is merited.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

The enthusiasm that comes with the Sun’s move into its own sign, Leo, is both uplifting and, fortunately, infectious. By that is meant even those who’ve been almost determined to be grumpy will soon cheer up. This may take a few days, during which it’s best if you say absolutely nothing.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

While investments of a financial nature are clear cut, those that involve your ideas, your time or even your name are less easily defined. Yet your instincts are telling you that in one particular matter, you’ve ‘overspent’, in the sense you’re giving too much and not getting enough in return.

Leo July 22 – August 21

At the moment it’s worth making a distinction between tentative decisions, that is, those you can easily review and change, and those that are more of a lasting commitment. While several arrangements you’re organising seem to be the former, do a little investigation, and you’ll soon discover they’re virtually inescapable.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Most of those born under the sign of Virgo have a powerful sense of order, in your environment, life or job. Yet your thoughts about certain people or situations are in chaos and, worse, upsetting you. Challenging as analysing these in depth will be, it will give you vital peace of mind.

Libra September 22 – October 21

Passionately as you care about certain arrangements, some longstanding, no amount of effort or inventiveness will keep them afloat. Once you admit they’ve been wonderful but, in truth, have run their course, you’ll find it easier to say farewell and move on to something that’s better suited to your life today.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

For ages you’ve tried to prepare yourself for certain changes you’ve known were inevitable but which you still dreaded. Now that they’re actually taking place, the changes that seemed so worrying have been no problem at all. Selecting from the many options and offers coming your way is, however, almost overwhelming.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

Usually, when you want to do or achieve something, you’ll go after it right away. However, during the year’s first half, you’ve been more strategic. In fact, where it was wise, you’ve recognised you’d have to wait. Once Mars moves into Sagittarius, in early August, that patience will pay off handsomely.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

While you don’t think of yourself as impatient, you’re sometimes exactly that with those who debate options endlessly when it’s clear what’s best. The real problem is that, as a Capricorn, you view situations from a practical perspective. Consequently, it takes others ages to recognise what, to you, is obvious.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

Although there are many situations and areas of your life in which your attitude is flexible, and you’re happy to explore changes, in others you’re not. From your perspective, they’re not only unnecessary, they’d be a waste of time. Do a little investigation and you’ll discover how worthwhile they are.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

Yet again you’re facing the difficulty of saying a definitive ‘no’ to somebody who tends to ignore obstacles of any variety, including being told they can’t do something they intend to. Knowing that, be firm now. But, equally, be prepared for that moment when they realise you meant what you said.