

There’s a fine line between mere disruptive events and those indicated in your birthday chart, which leads to unexpected changes, but which involve living, working or thinking in a very different way. While you might actually have been thinking about some of these, putting them into action is another matter. The irony is, once you begin, you’ll realise how exciting it would be to make major changes in existing arrangements or do something new, unfamiliar and exciting.

Aries March 20 – April 19

Few things are as annoying as facing last minute changes in plans you struggled to organise in the first place. But the more you learn, the more you’ll realise these changes aren’t just wise, but could eliminate problems that have been a source of concern for you and others. Now you needn’t worry.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

Sometimes minor disagreements are no more than that. However, those you have now could well expose longstanding, persistent issues. You’ve been ignoring these because you had no idea how to deal with them. Now, suddenly, there’s a way. Convenient as this is, you must take advantage of it.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

The New Moon, in a few days’ time, accents certain practical, financial or business matters. While this means doing your sums, it will also call attention to certain ideas you’ve been ignoring, mostly because it simply didn’t occur to you they were worth your time. They are, as you’ll soon discover.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

Telling others when they’ve got it wrong is never easy. But if you don’t say something, and soon, the minor issues that you’ve managed to put up with could soon turn into problems of more major proportions. Discuss this now, diplomatically but frankly. Soon you’ll achieve a workable compromise.

Leo July 22 – August 22

Being a fire sign, you think and move swiftly, so much others complain that you don’t plan ahead. Often, that’s wise. But because January is all about change and climaxes with the dramatic developments triggered by the pivotal Leo eclipsed Full Moon, on the 31st, forward planning could actually confuse matters.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

Because you think things through in depth, and so make plans only when you’re sure of your ground, those arrangements generally last. Judging by the current unsettling planetary activity, even the most straightforward of plans will need to be rethought, if not radically changed, and probably more than once.

Libra September 23 – October 22

There’s a fine line between a sudden breakthrough and an exciting but unwelcome surprise. It may be that, in one particular situation, you’ll be experiencing both. The trick to dealing with this is to forget about planning ahead and, instead, take each day and hour as they come. It will make life a lot easier.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Only days ago, you were battling changes in longstanding arrangements you regarded as inconvenient if not unfair. Yet now it’s you who’s not only suggesting altering existing plans, you’re enthusiastic about it. Remember this next time you decide you’re not happy about the new ideas or changes others have in mind.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

As a freedom-loving Sagittarian, being forced to keep track of your time, money or, bizarrely, ideas seems insane. But in one particular situation, you’ll need to do exactly that. While this won’t be easy, what you learn from the process will be amazingly illuminating, and about matters you rarely think about.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

This is one of those difficult periods during which seemingly simple problems seem to have no solution. There’s a trick to dealing with these, which is to forget them. To walk away. Possibly for a few days. Once you have some distance, you’ll realise there’s an entirely different approach, one that works perfectly.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

As much as you’d like to discuss and deal with differences the moment they arise, during a period as unsettled and, often, stressful as this is, it simply isn’t possible. But you can lay the groundwork for further discussion, in a few weeks’ time. Life will be calmer and the mood far more congenial.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

If ever there was a time when it’s essential you be cautious of those who’re manipulative or who never think of others, it’s now. True, they aren’t always easy to spot. Still, if you think of those who’ve had those traits in the past, you’ll find it easier to recognise similar individuals in the here and now.