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Luck appears in many forms. While sometimes it’s obvious, often what will bring the greatest benefits in the long run will seem uninteresting, if not just plan dull when they first appear. That’s because this variety of good fortune is far more about broadening your horizons, and discovering new ideas, places and meeting people as it is the obvious simple, welcome, but not life-changing developments. This is the case now. The more you explore, the more good fortune you’ll encounter.

Aries March 20 – April 18

Despite the complexity of certain plans, initially you thought you’d have little problem dealing with them. However, the more involved you’ve become, the clearer it is you must follow exceedingly tedious rules. Tempting as it is to try to get around these, even your cleverest efforts are unlikely to work.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

There’s no way of avoiding getting to know or dealing with somebody who you’ve already decided is a troublemaker. They’ve been difficult and, often, just plain rude. Others say they aren’t usually like that. Get to know them and, gradually, they’ll reveal the challenging situations they’re facing. That will explain everything.

Gemini May 20 – June 20

Only now are you beginning to realise the kind of problems that recent disappointing developments cause. Worse, there’s nothing you can do. However, certain individuals can, and will, tackle these. Tempting as it is to offer a hand, leave it all to them. They’ll take care of it all.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

Exciting as recent developments have been, they’ve created a certain amount of chaos in once solid elements of your life. Looking back, you’ll realise these unexpected twists and turns were timely. For now, think back to periods in the past that were as unsettling, and which ultimately, turned out brilliantly.

Leo July 22 – August 21

As a fiery Leo, when you’re excited or, alternatively, aggravated, you can get so wound up you speak first and think later. This isn’t just likely now, you could insist you’ve right on your side when, actually, your facts are wrong. Before saying another word, pause and take a deep breath.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Once you understand that, during a week as unsettled as this, the phrase ‘finalise plans’ simply isn’t appropriate, you’ll stop trying to rein in frequent changes. Instead, you’ll regard each surprise event, and twist and turn, as the opportunity to learn and, often, try out new ideas that it is.

Libra September 22 – October 22

Watching those you care about struggle and doing nothing is nearly impossible for you, as a compassionate Libra. Yet the individual in question has made it abundantly clear they want to deal with matters on their own. Knowing that, difficult as it is, back off and leave them to it.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Few things give you more pleasure than thinking through a complex situation, assessing what those involved are likely to say or do, then making a plan that incorporates all those factors. Extensive as your calculations have been, don’t be surprised if you must revise those arrangements, and possibly within days.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

Living with tensions involving loved ones isn’t easy. But it’s especially the case now that certain activities and pursuits of your own are so demanding. Tempting as it is to try to talk things out now, it would only make things worse. Wait. The ideal moment will appear, but not just yet.

Capricorn December 21 – January 18

Only days ago you invested lots of time and effort in organising complex arrangements. Still, having them dealt with was both a relief and gave you an enormous sense of achievement. Now, as the result of changes in circumstance, they’re falling apart. This won’t be easy but you’re equal to the challenge.

Aquarius January 19 – February 17

If you’ve a lot on your mind, it’s no surprise. And if you’re uncharacteristically unsure how to handle those matters, that’s also no surprise. With the Sun, Mercury and the demanding Pluto positioned in the most reflective part of your chart, life’s about thinking, not action. That will come later in the month.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

There are times when the best response to difficult situations is silence. This is decidedly not the case now. While, from one perspective, you’d be justified in taking time to explore every option, with things moving so fast, you’d soon regret it. You’re urged to both think and act swiftly.