

The move by the planet of ideas and expression, Mercury, into Aquarius, on your birthday highlights the importance of both thinking things through and, equally, of discussing existing arrangements and new ideas with others. These exchanges won’t just result in helpful insights about your plans, they’ll help you create the network of friends or colleagues necessary to turn these ideas or plans into something lasting, to get them going, and even enable them to unfold in a near-magical way.

Aries March 20 – April 18

Sometimes differences of opinion can be discussed and dealt with swiftly. However, certain matters that arose last week haven’t just remained unresolved, some people are getting rather worked up about these. The fact is, there’s no rush. Take time. Talk things through at length. You and everybody else could learn a lot.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

One particular individual has a knack for pulling on your heartstrings, which is a nice way of saying they’re exceptionally manipulative. And, at the moment, there’s something they’re determined to get you to do or agree to. Be cautious. You could easily find you’re involved in something that, within days, you regret.

Gemini May 20 – June 20

Recent plans are coming undone but, actually, it’s a relief. Either these were put together swiftly, so are unstable, or you were in such a hurry you made unwise compromises. Take advantage of these changes not only to rethink arrangements, but to consider whether you want to be involved at all.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

With both the Sun and Mercury in the portion of your chart that has to do with joint ventures, this is no time to try to do things solo. This is all about working together. In fact, those who you don’t usually spend much time with could be fantastic, if temporary, allies.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Although every sign will be influenced by this weekend’s eclipsed Full Moon, the fact it’s in Leo suggests you’ll experience both its effect on the circumstances of your life and, as well, on your emotions. While, at the time, they’ll be some dramas, in retrospect, you’ll recognise events as timely breakthroughs.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Tempting as it is to have the last word in seemingly civilised clashes with somebody who’s already irritating, you’re urged to hold your tongue. You’ll soon discover that the individual in question has been wrestling with problems that would make anybody uptight and difficult to deal with. They’ll be thankful you were gracious.

Libra September 22 – October 22

The coming days could be confusing. While your instincts say to smooth over issues, things seem urgent, enough you’ll want to talk them over the moment they arise. However, with yet more twists and turns, and the resulting discussions every day of this complex week, any resolution can, and should, wait.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Recent heart to heart discussions were as unsettling as they were remarkable. Seldom have you been so open, about both facts and feelings. Welcome as the rare and astonishing sense of freedom is, you’re struggling with concerns others will reveal what’s been said. That’s the next step, which is all about trust.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

While certain signs need to have the last word in disputes, that rarely concerns you. Until recently. One particular individual was so offhand and irritating that you can’t help but want to get back at them. While this is understandable, it’s unwise, mostly because they are so self-centred, your efforts will go unnoticed.

Capricorn December 21 – January 18

Being an earth sign, you’re not only practical, you struggle with those who don’t even notice when they’re being wasteful. Yet now that it’s clear you need to take a more easygoing approach to such matters and, in fact, to life itself, you could end up regarding these individuals as your teachers.

Aquarius January 19 – February 17

Yet again you’re in the midst of a debate that’s more about making a point than it is about actual plans. While, as an air sign, you thrive on exactly this variety of exchange of ideas, sooner or later certain decisions must be made. It’s worth keeping it in mind.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

As is always the case for you, as an intuitive Pisces, you are more aware of what one particular individual is feeling than they are. While, often, you can raise and discuss this, in this case you must be far more subtle. Mention it, but not until the time is right.