Watching arrangements you’ve worked hard to organise come undone can be heart-breaking. Simply allow events to undo existing arrangements while you give serious thought to your options, many of which are becoming appealing by the day.

Aries (March 20 – April 18)

While there’s no way around certain increasingly tense issues involving others, you’re better off ignoring them. Ordinarily you’d regard this as being irresponsible. However, by quietly doing nothing now, you force the individuals in question either to do what they can or offer the information you require and, perhaps, their support.

Taurus (April 19 – May 19)

In mid-February, both your ruler Venus and the ideas planet Mercury reach the midheaven angle of your chart, which accents the structure of your life. Ideally, you’ll put off crucial decisions until then. In the meanwhile, focus on exploring your options so when it’s time to move, you’ll be well informed.

Gemini (May 20 – June 19)

Over the next few days, you’ll realise that you need to rethink certain elements of your life. This is where you’ll acknowledge how resistant you are to making changes, and that some activities have become deeply ingrained habits. But, actually, that’s the point. They’re holding you back, though you don’t see it.

Cancer (June 20 – July 21)

There’s no way around differences involving close ties, in your personal or professional life. Ordinarily, you’d take it slowly, gradually encouraging them to explore options that, only recently, they refused flat. Now you owe it to them and yourself to say exactly what you think and want. Nothing less.

Leo (July 22 – August 21)

Ages ago, you vowed to yourself that you’d never let go of certain arrangements you struggled to make happen. Yet now, to your surprise, you’re beginning to recognise these must come to an end. Shocking as this is, it’s also a relief. These have become more of a burden than a joy.

Virgo (August 22 – September 21)

Tempting as it is to argue points with those who insist on making changes you regard as unnecessary, ask what’s behind their thinking. With things moving so swiftly, even at your canniest, you’re likely to have missed certain developments, some crucial. Once you’re actually talking them over, you’ll be amazed how much you learn.

Libra (September 22 – October 21)

For you, as a Libra, saying a flat, non-negotiable no is nearly impossible. Not only is it forthright, and just plain blunt, it leaves little room for discussion. But for the situation in question, there’s no more to be said. Which means this seemingly abrupt manner is your best option.

Scorpio (October 22 – November 20)

Although it’s the rare Scorpio who actually enjoys battling it out with others, you have to admit that a good argument does wonders to clear the air. Knowing that, should you sense one brewing, you might want to take a deep breath, put on your boxing gloves, and get involved in the fray.

Sagittarius (November 21 – December 20)

It’s easy for you, as a forward thinking fire sign, to forget that striding into the future, as you’re currently doing, inevitably means leaving elements of the past behind. Take time now to consider what must go, and make the necessary changes before your attention is swept away by new developments.

Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)

The moment has come to assess how wisely you use your resources. While, as an earth sign, you can be amazingly canny, even you have blind spots. Review your concerns now. This prepares you for next Monday’s New Moon, which accents such matters and brings a timely fresh perspective.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

There’s a difference between making final decisions, which you’re under pressure to do, and making the variety of decisions that are tentative. With circumstances shifting nearly every day, you should you ensure what you arrange is the latter. Others will soon realise how wise you were to allow for things to be flexible.

Pisces (February 19 – March 19)

Situations with certain individuals have become so fraught you’ve no idea what to say or do. Fortunately, events are about to take these matters in hand, in the form of developments so different from those anybody expected, you’ll be forced to work together. That will change everything, and overnight.