

There are many varieties of ideas, some practical, others about problem-solving. But those indicated by the superb link between Mercury and the expansive Jupiter in your birthday chart are about broadening your horizons, possibly in several ways. While you’re interested in the world around you, the ideas are the result of discussions, surprise encounters and, perhaps, something you read or hear about. Whatever the case, explore these and, with fortunate Jupiter involved, you’re bound to benefit, and in wonderful ways.

Aries March 20 – April 18

As an Aries, you regard secrets as a nuisance. They mean remembering who you told the full facts versus those who you kept in the dark. Yet now you’re dealing with a situation where you must do exactly that. This may be tedious but the circumstances in question give you no choice.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

Obviously you’d rather deal with tricky matters and resolve them for good. But with both your ruler Venus and Mars positioned in the most strategic portion of your chart, the less you say, the better. Do a lot of listening but, mostly, wait and watch. By the week’s close, you’ll know why.

Gemini May 20 – June 20

While you’ll sometimes laugh along with others who ridicule the way certain individuals act, dress or live, you’re never comfortable doing it. Soon you’ll have an opportunity to take a stance on exactly this. It’ll probably involve no more than changing the subject. But, in doing so, you’ll make your views known.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

Tempting as it is to leave certain complex matters to be dealt with later, your instincts are saying that’s unwise. True, things have been moving slowly enough, there’s no fear of sudden changes. Or so it seems. However, the unexpected developments likely to be triggered by this weekend’s eclipse suggest otherwise.

Leo July 22 – August 21

It would be no surprise if you’re seeking an inspired solution for an increasingly complex dilemma. Not only is the actual situation difficult, the mood of the individuals involved has become worryingly temperamental. Fortunately, the heavens promise an answer, but one that requires you discuss issues then act swiftly.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

You’ve often wondered why anybody would have a need to be secretive about everyday matters. Yet, over time, you’ve realised that certain individuals do exactly that. Now that circumstances are forcing you to be discreet about one particular situation, you understand what they’re thinking and, equally, what’s behind their actions.

Libra September 22 – October 22

As a Libra, you understand the importance of approaching difficult situations tactfully. But, as you’re becoming increasingly aware, not everybody shares this concern. Tempting as it is to say something, if not offer advice, it would be unwise. The individual in question needs to make, and learn from, their own mistakes.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

When you first decided to keep certain facts to yourself, it was because you feared the actual situation would be misunderstood or concern others. Now, ironically, some individuals are upset because they weren’t told. Explain your motivation, point by point, in great detail. This forthright approach will do the trick.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

Having somebody you’ve trusted let you down is disappointing but, usually, any feelings of upset vanish as swiftly as they arose. At the moment you’re having trouble shaking off that unsettled mood and the worries it’s triggering. While there’s no reason for concern, big time changes are, indeed, on their way.

Capricorn December 21 – January 18

Being generous when you’re under pressure yourself isn’t easy. Yet in the past you’ve done it, and discovered how therapeutic doing things for others can be. You’re facing a tricky period. These ‘random acts of kindness’, as they’re often termed, will help others and, better yet, do wonders for your mood.

Aquarius January 19 – February 17

Because you enjoy organising things, you think about what you’ll do in depth, then once plans are made you rarely need to rethink them. However, with powerful planetary activity involving the fortunate Jupiter and your ruler Uranus reshaping both longstanding arrangements and more recent plans, changes aren’t just likely, they’re inevitable.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

While you’ll stand up for what, or who, you believe in, few Pisceans actually enjoy the resulting clashes. Consequently, it’s worth noting certain individuals are in an aggressive mood. Confront them. But, if ever there was a time when the phrase ‘choose your battles’ was apt, it’s now.