Aries (March 20 – April 18)

Annoying as sudden changes in plans are, they’re not only inevitable but also in your best interests. Although delving into the details may slow your pace frustratingly, what you learn will explain the obstacles you’re facing and offer solutions.

Taurus (April 19 – May 19)

Invest time in discovering the source of clashes with others, even seemingly minor ones. Although Mercury’s retrograde cycle ended on January 25, you’re still dealing with the fallout from those errors and misunderstandings. Discuss these before too much time has passed and what you learn will resolve them for good.

Gemini (May 20 – June 19)

Ordinarily you’re adept at sidestepping clashes with others. Usually this is wise, as it allows tempers to cool and enables you to gather helpful facts, but one particular situation is pressing. As a result, you really must say something, even if you’re not exactly sure what. Your objective is discussion, not finalising anything.

Cancer (June 20 – July 21)

Although the New Moon is nearly a week away, it accents certain complex joint issues, especially those that involve business or finances. And because it promises to bring a badly needed fresh perspective, for now focus on spotting and remedying past misunderstandings.

Leo (July 22 – August 21)

Difficult as it is watching those you care about struggle with issues, you’d regret getting involved. These problems are more complex than you realise. So much so that, if they ask for advice, you’re urged to wish them well, then politely withdraw. You’ll soon realise how wise this strategy is.

Virgo (August 22 – September 21)

When you spot an error, first check your facts. You’re in the middle of a period of change, which means you may not be as up to date on events as you think. At least ask questions that will yield information. They may also prevent you making an embarrassing mistake.

Libra (September 22 – October 21)

Living with tensions between others is difficult for any Libra. But one particular situation is especially challenging, simply because there’s really nothing you can say or do. For this reason, you may be better off steering clear of the individuals in question, at least until their issues have been resolved.

Scorpio (October 22 – November 20)

The last thing you’re interested in is making changes in stable elements of your life. Yet your instincts are telling you certain things can’t remain as they are. That’s true. Begin discussing these now and you could influence the outcome. Wait, and those decisions will be made by others.

Sagittarius (November 21 – December 20)

Since late December you’ve been wrestling with issues that haven’t just been complicated, certain facts have been left frustratingly unspoken. Either you couldn’t be frank or others felt they had to be overly discreet. Now, as more information comes to light, you’ll understand the reasons for all this mystery.

Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)

While when you look back on this week you’ll view it as having been one of opportunities, as you’re living out its days you won’t always recognise what takes place as promising. Knowing that, explore absolutely everything that comes your way. This ensures you allow nothing worthwhile to pass you by.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

When you look back on this period, you’ll recognise how each stage contributed to the major changes you’ll be making. However, at the time each will seem unimportant, so much so you may feel it’s not worth the bother. On the contrary, they will become a vital part of your future.

Pisces (February 19 – March 19)

This is a week of sudden changes. While some will merely be a nuisance and others require quick thinking, a few will be of considerable significance. In fact, these could be exactly the changes that were needed, but in an unanticipated form. In retrospect you’ll realise how crucial they were.