

Every birthday is exciting but this one is especially so, since with the dynamic Mars accenting the structure of your life, both at home and out in the world, you’ll be benefitting from new energy, confidence and there’ll be excitement in the air. If there’s any challenge, it’s deciding how best to utilise those intensified feelings. While you might take on a new project or passion, you could as well decide to settle certain issues. Choose carefully. What you do could change your life.

Aries March 20 – April 19

With both the usually charming Venus and Mercury at odds with your ruler Mars, and within a short period, this is no time to try to achieve an agreement about persistent issues. Urgent as dealing with these seems, you’re better off waiting until the mood’s calmer, then discussing them once, and profitably.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

For ages you’ve been feeling restless, seeking a way to make a change in your routine without causing too much turmoil. The fact is, certain arrangements have been so rigid, for so long that even the most insignificant of changes would seem a huge disruption. But it would also be more than worthwhile.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

The last thing you’re in the mood to do is rethink plans you’ve already invested considerable time, effort and, possibly, heart in. Yet between the influence of the recent eclipse and changes in your own feelings and priorities, you’d be better off discussing potential changes while you can do so without drama.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

Now that the Sun has moved into your fellow water sign of Pisces, not only will the mood change, you’ll sense that the tension you’ve been living with for the past weeks begins to vanish. This won’t just be a relief, you’ll sense you can finally raise the tense issues you’ve been avoiding.

Leo July 22 – August 22

There is no right or wrong way to apologise. Recently you did something upsetting, then apologised swiftly to the individual in question. Now they’re complaining, and saying you need to apologise again. This is not only unfair, it suggests they’re trying to cause problems. The solution? Smile and say nothing.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

As a Virgo, the idea of making plans, knowing they won’t last, is very strange if not annoying. Yet you can’t continue without some sort of arrangement in mind but, you’re aware the foundation on which they’re based is shifting and will again. Knowing that, the less detailed those plans, the better.

Libra September 23 – October 22

It seems life’s put you in a situation where you must take a chance. It may involve an individual who you don’t really know or an offer you question. Tempting as it is to put off dealing with this, things are moving swiftly, which means it’s a matter of now or never.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Judging by the powerful role being played by Neptune, the planet of both vision and illusion, over the coming weeks, life will be full of surprises. While some may be exactly what they seem, others may be questionable and a few may be revealed as nothing more than somebody’s fantasy.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

While, obviously, you’d rather not upset anybody, when there’s no choice, you’ll speak your mind or, if necessary, confront others. Mostly, that’s the best policy. However, you’re dealing with somebody who’s not only sensitive, but takes such matters to heart. Tiptoe around issues if you can. The less you say, the better.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

Recently, you were blamed for something you didn’t do and that wasn’t your responsibility. While, usually, you’d simply put the facts right, you took this far more personally that would ordinarily be the case. This touches on a matter about which you feel vulnerable and which, even more, you dislike discussing.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

Hopefully by now you’ve recognised that the changes which, only days ago, you regarded as to be avoided at all costs are actually a rather good idea. Bear this in mind when yet more seemingly unwelcome events arise. This time, instead of questioning them, you’ll focus on the potential they offer.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

Some disappointments are so unsettling or even upsetting that you can’t help but take them to heart. Or so it seems. Begin asking questions about these now. And be frank if not demanding. Once you learn the full facts, it will transform your perspective on the actual situations and what should be done.