

Obligations involving both practical matters and those you care are always challenging but especially now. However, judging by the planetary setup in your birthday chart, it’s vital you invest more time, thought and unlikely as it seems, passion, in those practicalities. True, you won’t find the kind of excitement you thrive on right away. Be persistent and patient. Soon you’re deeply involved, enough you’ll realise how much pleasure you’ll get from dealing with these, once and for all.

Aries (March 20 – April 18)

There’s a fine line between standing your ground, that is, refusing to allow anybody to bully you into doing something you don’t want to, and being stubborn. The problem is that, deep down, you’re anxious about the situation in question, so are looking for any excuse to avoid it.

Taurus (April 19 – May 19)

While, obviously, life would be easier if you could just deal with complex issues and make the necessary decisions now, things aren’t that straightforward. And, in fact, what you learn with each passing day, if not hour, is so informative you don’t really mind. Those decisions will be made, but probably not until next week.

Gemini (May 20 – June 19)

A lively discussion about who’s right and who’s wrong can be very entertaining. But that’s when it’s all for fun, while now, the issues in question aren’t just important, left unsolved, they could turn into serious problems. For this reason, it’s vital that you clear them up as soon as possible.

Cancer (June 20 – July 21)

You’re dealing with somebody who’s ‘always right’ and, because of that, always wants the last work in both discussions and decisions. But, obviously, you must express your views. Do exactly that. Say what you have to say, clearly and fully, and in a manner that doesn’t invite any form of response.

Leo (July 22 – August 21)

Last minute changes in plan can be annoying. However, you’ve accommodated those, and in a way that will adjust as further developments arise. Or so you think. You couldn’t possibly have anticipated the amazing ideas or offers promised by the coming days’ planetary activity. Consequently the more flexible your arrangements, the better.

Virgo (August 22 – September 21)

Obviously, you dislike making decisions when you lack information. But with so much in transition, what seem solid facts one day will change the next, and shift yet again the day after that. This being the case, regard what you organise as something to be learnt from, not a final plan.

Libra (September 22 – October 21)

Restrictive as certain potentially life-changing arrangements seem, you needn’t worry about being cornered into a situation you dislike. With powerful planetary activity indicating shifts in the actual circumstances in question, the more options you’ve already discussed, the better prepared you’ll be to explore what arises over the next few days.

Scorpio (October 22 – November 20)

There’s a fine line between a plan everybody is happy with and one that can, and will, last. The issue isn’t what you have in mind organising but, rather, the shifting foundation on which those arrangements would be based. While there’s no avoiding these changes, you can work around them.

Sagittarius (November 21 – December 20)

If ever there was a time when teamwork is vital, it’s now and in the run up to the Full Moon, on the 14th. This not only brings feelings to a peak, because it accents close alliances, you should finally be able to resolve certain persistent issues involving those you live or work with.

Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)

Don’t despair if you’ve achieved little over the past week and, equally, are unsure what’s next. Planning ahead would make you feel better but, with so much changing, and so often, it really is about living one day at a time. Achieve that now and you’ll realise why it’s something so many aspire to.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Being a quick-thinking and clever Aquarian, you’re usually the first to find solutions for existing dilemmas but, even more, to spot exciting new ideas. Still, clever as you are, even you might be surprised by what arises between now and the Sun’s stunning alliance with your ruler Uranus on the 12th.

Pisces (February 19 – March 19)

Sometimes obstacles are exactly that. However, those you’re facing now are all about encouraging you to venture into unfamiliar territory and, even more, to learn about certain ideas or ways of dealing with tricky situations that previously hadn’t occurred to you. What you learn now will prove hugely illuminating.