

Your birthday is a special day, a time of reflection in the midst of a fast-paced and often complicated period. Note that, and when things are moving swiftly yet you’re unsure what to do, instead of leaping in and acting without thinking things through, you’ll take a deep breath and, instead, will watch, wait and learn. In some cases, these insights will arise within days, but on others they’ll take time. Only once they occur will you realise why the wait was so long.

Aries March 20 – April 18

Ordinarily you’re fearless about confronting others. But with the communication planet Mercury retrograde, and triggering confusion, you’ve learnt to be cautious. This isn’t just wise, it means you’ve time to both observe what others say and give serious thought to whether you agree with their views, or want to talk things over.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

Unsettling as sudden changes in certain longstanding plans may be, they’re a blessing in disguise. In the process of dealing with those changes, you’ll spot details that once mattered little but which are now both crucial and, worryingly, incorrect. Fortunately, this will give you a chance to put things right.

Gemini May 20 – June 20

There’s no arguing that you have low boredom threshold. For this reason, you’re usually able to roll with the changes triggered by even powerful planetary activity in the heavens. However, it may take you time to understand and fully grasp the unexpected developments in once stable arrangements triggered by the recent New Moon.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

When you first discussed certain joint arrangements, others insisted they’d be happy to, and able to, deal with everything. While you doubted that, you didn’t want to cause offense by questioning their capacity or commitment. Now that your concerns are proving correct, act swiftly and without discussion, explanations or apologies to anybody.

Leo July 22 – August 21

For weeks, if not months, there’s been talk about rearranging elements of your daily routine or working life but nothing’s happened. In fact, you’ve given up and decided you’ll learn to live with things as they are. You needn’t. By the week’s close, those changes will actually have begun taking place.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Since early November you’ve been facing and dealing with a range of pivotal decisions involving the structure of your life. Bizarrely, you’ve since had to remake several. Actually, this is no surprise, since with your ruler Mercury accenting these, and retrograde, changes weren’t just likely, they were inevitable.

Libra September 22 – October 22

Ordinarily, you’re an expert at reading the mood of others, especially when it comes to joint interests. But with so much going on, even you are unsure what they’re happy about and what’s worrying them. The fact is, they don’t know themselves. That being the case, your best option is a frank discussion.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

At the moment there seems to be a bit of a crisis about who’s responsible for what. While you can’t help but analyse where things went wrong, try not to involve those thoughts with discussions regarding the future of arrangements. Actually, the necessary top to bottom review will prove to be amazingly timely.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

While it’s true, with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, errors and mistakes are likely, many will be informative. In fact, some will reveal facts you wouldn’t otherwise have known about or even thought of. Next, comes deciding how deal with them. Although usually you’ll know what’s best instantly, a few situations could require serious thought.

Capricorn December 21 – January 18

Being a Capricorn, you’d never commit to a plan without knowing what it involves. But over the past several weeks you’ve had to do that, and often. Risky as that seemed at the time, now that you’re looking back on what took place, you’re recognising seemingly worrying events as the breakthroughs they were.

Aquarius January 19 – February 17

Because you’re both inquisitive and have a gift for being charming, even when you’re very stressed, it doesn’t show. Yet now that the focus is in changes as sudden as they’d be extensive, those feelings of anxiety are surfacing. Discuss these, and frankly. That will make things a lot easier.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

The New Moon was a few days ago. While, ordinarily things would have moved on, with both the Saturn and the Sun moving into new signs this week, each day will bring something new and, mostly, surprising. Knowing that, if you can, sidestep plans. And if you can’t, regard them as tentative.