

Your birthday chart focuses on discerning lasting hopes and dreams you know, deep down, are going nowhere. The link between the Sun and retrograde Mercury, accents spotting any falsehoods you’re ignoring and flawed arrangements you’re still hoping will work out. Acknowledging some as a waste of time won’t be easy. Yet this will declutter your thinking and, in turn, enable to concentrate on those individuals and pursuits that actually do hold promise now, and for the future.

Aries March 20 – April 18

The last thing any Aries is happy about doing is leaving things up to others. It makes no difference if the situation in question involves minor details or potentially crucial matters. At the moment, however, you’re not only urged to seek others’ advice, they’re better informed than you, so they’ll make wise decisions.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

On one hand, you’ve been reorganising elements of your own way of living and working and, equally, those of others. However, you’re battling certain changes you regard as undesirable. Pause and review this decision. Not only are the changes in question timely, they’re a first step to vital shifts in elements of your life.

Gemini May 20 – June 20

Having assumed that recent changes dealt with both the practical side of things and any issues involving others, you’ve turned your attention to certain equally pressing personal matters. Don’t be surprised, however, if yet more sudden developments lead to the need to rethink, if not reorganise, what you’ve only just planned.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

Although the period when Mercury is retrograde has a reputation for triggering problems, usually any errors are minor and, even more, will often highlight misunderstandings or practical matters that need attention. While these may not be interesting the process is bound to be informative.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Judging by Friday’s link between your ruler the Sun and Uranus, the planet of innovation, which indicates thrilling if unsettling events, the less fixed your arrangements are, the better. Keeping things loose may take discipline now. But when those sudden changes arise, in a few days, you’ll be glad you did.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

It’s not that you’ve argued with one particular individual as much as unspoken tensions have begun to overshadow almost every discussion. Yet, obviously, you’re reluctant to raise the issue in question. Despite that, mention it, but in a casual way. You’ll be surprised how easy it is to put those tensions behind you.

Libra September 22 – October 22

Every sign is influenced by Mercury’s retrograde cycle and the accompanying confusion. But because communication with others is of such importance to you, even minor errors can be a source of real concern, at least initially. Ultimately, however, what you learn while resolving them will justify any temporary upset, issues or inconvenience.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

You’re a careful planner, although you don’t always recognise that. This is mostly because things don’t always go as you hope or intend. Reflect and you’ll realise that often those plans which seemed to go wrong worked out better than those you’d first organised. That’s likely to be the case now.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

If there are all sorts endings and beginnings in your life, it’s no surprise. Powerful planetary activity in your sign is triggering changes in situations that, despite your best efforts, you couldn’t seem to shift. Now it’s happening with very little effort. Thrilling as this is, take it slowly. There’s more to come.

Capricorn December 21 – January 18

As a Capricorn, you rightly pride yourself on keeping close track of your commitments, and the time you have to devote to them. Yet, currently, it seems you’ve lost your usual knack for sensing what’s crucial and what can wait. You haven’t lost your touch. The actual timing of the circumstances is shifting.

Aquarius January 19 – February 17

It’s worth noting that, with Mercury retrograde, even the simplest of plans are likely to need to be rethought if not altered. Ironically, this may give you a chance to review certain arrangements that have become an increasing source of concern, and while you can still make the necessary changes without unnecessary drama.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

While you’re amazingly tolerant, and so are able to accept and deal with others’ quirks, even those that are very annoying, you must draw the line with certain individuals. Still, irritating as one in particular may be, what they have to say or offer isn’t just interesting, it could be life-changing.