

As an earth sign, you have a healthy respect for the cycles of nature, from the seasons to the planet’s movements. And with your ruler Mercury retrograde on your birthday, and positioned in Virgo, you’ll be wrestling with a range of questions, some deeply personal, others of a more practical nature but all prompted by the errors typical of this cycle. You’ll not only learn from these, the more you delve into them, the greater that depth of knowledge will be.

Aries March 20 – April 18

When you think about it, there’ve been tensions between you and certain individuals for ages. It’s just these didn’t seem worth going into. Now that the relationship-minded Venus is at odds with Uranus, which is positioned in Aries, it’s likely events will bring these to a head, triggering those long overdue discussions.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

As somebody ruled by the charming Venus, you’d always rather sidestep a confrontation then talk things over later, and in a civilised manner. Judging by the current rather tricky planetary setup, there’s no single issue but, rather, you’ll encounter and need to deal with a range of errors, major and minor.

Gemini May 20 – June 20

Certain individuals are seriously unsettled, if not just plain anxious. Worse, they seem to have the impression that if they ask you enough questions, and from a range of angles, your answers will resolve those unsettled feelings. Talk over their concerns once, and in depth, then diplomatically refuse any further discussion.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

Although the second of August’s two eclipses, the New Moon, took place a few days ago, you’re still experiencing the fallout from both the shift in perception and the changes it triggered. That’s to be expected. Explore everything as swiftly as possible but when it comes to making decisions, take your time.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Most years, you probably wouldn’t notice the departure by your ruler the Sun from Leo. Now, however, this change will be noticeable, if not challenging. This is because it joins the retrograde Mercury in painstaking Virgo, and alerts you to a range of practical errors, mistakes or dilemmas that need urgent attention.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Facts are facts. At least to you, as a Virgo, that’s the case. But clearly certain less practical individuals have decided to view reality from their own perspective, and this in turn means they’re determined to do things their way. Explain your concerns once, then withdraw and allow experience to be their teacher.

Libra September 22 – October 22

The last thing you’re in the mood for is a contentious exchange with anybody. However, judging by the clash between your ruler Venus and the unpredictable Uranus, issues could appear from nowhere, and be as irrational as they are intense. Do the minimum. These will pass as swiftly as they arose.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Few things upset you more than those who’re disloyal, and in situations they know are of significance to you. However, the individual in question has been dealing with issues you were unaware of. Ask them what’s up. Because these matters aren’t private, they’ll tell you everything that’s been happening. That will explain everything.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

Annoying as having to explain your plans in detail may be now, it will be as informative for you as it is for everybody else. In the process of telling others what you’re doing, you’ll realise you’ve left out certain vital components of those plans. And fortunately, you’ve done it early enough to reorganise things.

Capricorn December 21 – January 18

Obviously, dealing with those who regard details as unimportant is annoying. The real problem is, you know that means they’ll ignore these matters completely and that, in turn, leaves it up to you to tackle these. Actually, that’s best, because the individuals in question wouldn’t handle these wisely anyway.

Aquarius January 19 – February 17

While you weren’t exactly hoping to make your way through this complex week without disagreeing with anybody, you could still be surprised by the intensity of the clashes that arise. Sudden, if not alarming as these seem initially, you’ll soon realise that they’re all about clearing the air, nothing more.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

It’s worth noting that with the communication planet Mercury retrograde and in the portion of your chart that accents close alliances, personal and professional, errors are likely. But, just as much, issues from the past could surface. These aren’t merely significant, they could explain misunderstandings as persistent as they’ve been perplexing.