Saif Ali Khan celebrates his 44th birthday on Saturday, August 16 Image Credit: IANS

Aries (March 20 – April 19)

Sometimes disputes are just a way of blowing off steam. While that might be the case, especially with the Full Moon heightening everybody’s emotions, recent developments have genuinely upset certain individuals. If so, talk things through with them. Both your interest and your suggestions will give them a real boost.


Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Only weeks ago you would have refused to even consider making certain changes in elements of your work or lifestyle. Now, not only are events forcing your hand, you’re actually eager to undertake those changes. You’ll not only leave burdensome elements of the past behind, exciting new pursuits await you.


Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Most disagreements are about individuals who’re at odds with each other over the matter in question. But now issues involve views between which there’s a wide gulf. While there’s little point trying to reconcile these, it’s worth exploring the background and rationale for their beliefs. You’ll learn a lot.


Cancer (June 21 – July 21)

While every Full Moon ends one cycle and begins another, and can bring emotions to a head, the resulting events tend to unfold gradually. The sudden developments you’re experiencing are probably due to the influence of Uranus, which is all about breakthroughs, many of which appear suddenly, if not overnight.


Leo (July 22 – August 22)

You don’t consider yourself to be secretive. Yet there are certain matters you simply avoid even mentioning, mostly because it would only lead to discussions that are as tiresome as they are unproductive. Yet now, not only can you not avoid bringing these up, they’re crucial to the decisions you’re making.


Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Often arguments serve the purpose of exposing the views of others in a way more civilised discussions can’t. In this case, however, you might be surprised what you say. Here, too, you may not have realised how strong your feelings were. Now that you do, it’s time to do something about them.


Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Be cautious of saying yes to something that seems a good idea in the moment but which may not be possible in practical terms. True, you could go back and rearrange things if you can’t make everything fit into your schedule. But trying to decide whether you can do it all will, alone, worry you.


Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

It’s no secret that you have a stubborn streak. While that enables you to overcome obstacles long after others have given up, you can sometimes continue that battle unthinkingly. That appears to be the case now. Once certain arrangements served you. They no longer do and, in fact, must go.


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 20)

You’ve no fear of saying what needs to be said, whatever the reaction. Yet you’ve been sidestepping one particular matter because it involves an issue you’re anxious about. Now that Mars has moved to accent this, it’s not only time you brought it up, you’ve no choice but to discuss it frankly.


Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)

Admitting somebody’s disappointed won’t be easy, but it’s a vital first step to dealing with the fallout from this very tricky situation. The individual in question is well aware of what they’ve done, which means you need only talk things over frankly. That will be far easier than you anticipate.


Aquarius (January 20 – February 17)

If ever the adage “as one door closes, another opens” was appropriate, it’s for you, now. True, you’re tempted to keep certain existing arrangements going, but they’d only devour your time and yield limited rewards. Turn your attention to new, and perhaps anxiety-provoking ideas, however, and there’ll soon be magic.


Pisces (February 18 – March 19)

Good fortune is in the air. However, what’s coming your way could assume a form very different from anything you’ve anticipated. Knowing that, explore absolutely everything. At minimum, you’ll learn from this process. But what you ultimately decide to go with could be very different from what you’ve imagined.