Aries (March 20 – April 19)

Only days ago, you talked over several tense issues. This wasn’t just a relief, it’s freed you to think about the future. Although having those issues resolved makes planning easier, keep arrangements flexible. With ongoing changes in circumstances, you’ll need to rethink those plans, probably more than once.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Ordinarily, you’d sort out plans and ensure everybody’s on board before you do a thing. At the moment, that’s not realistic. In fact, the best kind of agreement to aim for, at the moment, is a tentative one. This will give everybody, including you, room to manoeuvre as new ideas arise.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

There’s a fine line between discussing the twists and turns certain individuals are dealing with and getting caught up in these. That line involves giving advice. Obviously, when asked what’s wise, you’ll be tempted to answer. Do so, however, and you’ll be enmeshed in others’ dramas before you know it.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

The time has come to tell the truth. That may sound strange, because you haven’t been dishonest with anybody. However, this is about addressing issues you and others have avoided because they’re either unsettling or highly charged emotionally. While raising them might be challenging, doing so will achieve wonders.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Keeping promises is something you’re justifiably proud of. Yet now you must break a few. Mars is triggering sudden events that clash with Jupiter, in Leo, and suggests you’ll face conflicts between various commitments. Instead of trying to do everything, reschedule some now, while it can be done without any drama.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Planning ahead may be a virtue but over the coming week or so, it will only cause you aggravation. Clashes involving your ruler Mercury, Venus, Neptune and Jupiter are bound to lead to confusion. While you can’t avoid organising things, you can ensure they’re flexible enough they can be easily rearranged.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

For ages you’ve been sidestepping certain issues knowing the feelings of others are so confused they can’t, or won’t, discuss them honestly. Now, however, events are forcing these out in the open. Although you’re confident you know what others think, listen and learn. You could be very surprised what they say.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Just recently, you’d have sworn you would never alter certain longstanding arrangements. These are a fundamental part of your life. Yet now that events have both made it easy to rethink these and, better yet, are opening the door to rewarding new activities you can’t, and shouldn’t, say no.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Every so often, you’re stirred by an individual’s problems a situation you regard as unjust. Your views on such matters are strong, so much you feel compelled to do something. While that’s important, review the situation in question in detail. This will reveal how likely your efforts are to succeed.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Not only are you unsentimental about the elements of life that often overwhelm others, you’ve a certain pride in your ability to remain detached from emotional dramas of this nature. Yet now, you’re surprisingly uneasy about potential changes on the domestic front. Perhaps you care more than you’d like to admit.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 17)

Since early April you’ve been mulling over potential changes in elements of your way of living or working. While these intrigue you, they’d be disruptive, something about which you’re less enthusiastic. Perhaps it’s worth considering whether, if you didn’t pursue these, in retrospect, you’d regret not having done so.

Pisces (February 18 – March 19)

There’s a fine line between being disappointed by somebody’s words or actions and there being something really wrong. Although your instinct may be to reflect on this until you’ve reached a conclusion, raise it with the individual in question. What they say could be as surprising as it is informative.