Aries (March 20 – April 19)

Tempting as it is to tackle certain unresolved issues now, you’d regret it. The actual situation in question is still in transition, as are your priorities. That being the case, any decision you make now is unlikely to last, because of the ongoing shifts in circumstances and changes in your own priorities.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

For the past several weeks, events have forced you to be strategic, both in your actions and what you’ve said and, equally, haven’t mentioned. With the Sun and the communication planet Mercury moving into Taurus, on Tuesday, both your mood and your position will improve. Enough you’ll soon say what needs saying.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Usually for you, as an inquisitive Gemini, giving up on one plan or, perhaps, passion isn’t that challenging as there’s always something else on your mind. Still, recent clashes with others have brought out your stubborn streak. Think carefully whether what you are fighting about is actually worth the battle.

Cancer (June 21 – July 21)

Although every sign is influenced by the present pair of eclipses, several days ago and later this month, being ruled by the Moon, you’re more tuned into their power than most. While this means you’re aware the resulting ups and downs lead to breakthroughs, others may need guidance to recognise their potential.

Leo (July 22 – August 22)

This hardly seems the ideal time to rethink longstanding plans. However, with changes in the lives of others forcing you to alter certain arrangements, anyway, this might be an opportunity to consider various options. While some have been in your mind for ages, those that are more recent are worth serious consideration.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

During periods of rapid change such as this, even the most carefully organised plans are likely to change. Unsettling as this may be, some of the most disruptive changes could actually work out better than what you’d even conceived possible. The more open-minded your attitude, the better.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Everybody dreams of offers appearing from out of the blue. However, with so many plans having been disrupted, if not completely changed, you’re wary. Despite that, these aren’t just as good as they seem, the more you learn about them and what they offer, the more confident you’ll be about their potential.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

To you, as a Scorpio, a commitment is exactly that. But certain signs view life as a series of ongoing arrangements, some planned, a few expected and others more of a surprise. If you’re spending time with somebody like this, rather than complaining, consider the fact that, deep down, you rather enjoy those changes.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 20)

If you view the conflicts you’re facing as an opportunity to broaden your horizons, instead of struggling with them, you’ll turn even the tricky developments to the best of your interests. This is achieved not by what you do, but what you learn with your experiences.

Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)

One of the life’s greatest ironies is that often powerful insights about matters close to the heart emerge in the middle of extremely challenging situations. Difficult as things are at the moment, you’ll soon realise you need to reflect on your priorities. What you learn could lead to a timely reassessment.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 17)

Most setbacks are exactly that, obstacles that will cause delays, if not bring an end to plans. Yet actually, these are encouraging you to talk over ideas you previously rejected. True, once they seemed unwise but circumstances have changed, and so must your thinking.

Pisces (February 18 – March 19)

You base your decisions on your instincts, because of which as they change, you are required to rethink your plans. However, while you’ll have good reasons to make sudden changes, one particular individual seems to alter existing arrangements without a thought. Discuss this. What you learn, about circumstances and about them will prove amazingly informative.


As much as you enjoy striding ahead, exploring the new and the unknown, you like to maintain a strong connection with the past. At times this has meant sustaining arrangements and alliances that are unrewarding. Judging by your birthday chart, the time has come to cut out the deadwood, and in a number of areas of your life. The more you let go of now, the more time you’ll have for new and wonderful plans and projects.