I am 60 years old and have been experiencing an itching sensation in my groin and in the area between my toes for the past eight years. Applying ice to my feet does offer some relief. Dermatologists have not been able to diagnose the cause of this itching. Please advise.
S.B via email

A common reason for itching, stinging, burning and peeling of the skin of the toes is athlete's foot. The warm, moist conditions that persist in the areas in between the toes favour the growth of fungi that cause the irritating foot infections. Sweating and damp skin exacerbates the condition. Those who have pitta dosha constitution and whose diet includes a lot of spicy, salty and sour foods, as well as consume a lot of tea, coffee and meats, are prone to this condition. Smoking is another cause for skin problems.

You can follow certain tips to lessen your symptoms;

  • Keep your skin clean and dry, especially the area between your toes, and your groin.
  • Change your socks every day. Also, wear only cotton socks.
  • Soak your feet in warm water containing turmeric and neem leaves paste for about five minutes. Remove and pat dry thoroughly. Repeat this two or three times a day.
  • Apply sandalwood powder on your feet.
  • Eladi* oil or nalpamaradi* oil can be used for local application ten minutes prior to bathing.
  • Wear waterproof sandals or shower shoes while in communal showers, pools, and other public areas where you may be going barefoot.
  • You may take Kaisoraguggulu* tablets and/or Aragwadadi kashayam* internally. Meet an ayurvedic practitioner.

I am a 24-year-old man suffering from bleeding gums that consequently leads to bad breath. I have tried different mouthwashes and toothpaste but all in vain. My gums are getting more sensitive, and that leads to more bleeding when I brush. I use a soft-bristle brush. Please advise.
R.A via email


Most reasons for halitosis are sited in the mouth. Gum disease is the most common reason for bad breath and is caused by plaque. Plaque is a mixture of food residues, dead gum cells and bacteria that forms between the gum and the tooth. The bacteria create an unpleasant odour and contribute to bleeding gums and loosening of teeth. The cause of gum disease is often bad oral hygiene. Consult a dentist for a proper cleaning of teeth. He/she will also guide you in proper brushing techniques and flossing.

l Gargling with Arimedadi thailam* or with sesame oil is effective in the treatment of bleeding gums.

l Gargling with Dhanyamla* is effective for bad breath.

*Available at shops selling herbal products