Urdhva Hastasana Image Credit: Zarina Fernandes/Gulf News

RMN, one of our readers, wrote in to ask the following:

“I am in my late thirties and it seems my memory power is getting weak as days pass by. Even at times, I feel common things and routines are forgotten which really worries and alarms me. I would be more than grateful if you could suggest some yoga tips to sharpen my memory.”

RMN, tratak is an excellent method to improve concentration and sharpen memory. It means “to gaze steadily at a fixed point”. The fixed point can be an object placed directly in front of the eyes or an inner visualisation when eyes are closed.

The impression of the object falls on the optic nerves in the retina which are connected by sensory nerves to several centres of the brain. These centres receive information through the optic nerves and send out commands. Many of these centres are asleep or inactive. Tratak increases the function of perception which awakens these inactive centres of the brain.

One of the most practical and effective ways to do tratak is to use a candle and focus on its wick.

Light the candle and place it on a small table so that the flame is exactly at eye level. Sit in any comfortable meditation asana with the head and spine erect. Adjust the position so that the candle is at an arm’s length. Close the eyes and relax the whole body. Be aware of the breath for a few minutes.

Open eyes and gaze steadily at the tip of the wick. The flame may flicker but the tip of the wick will always remain steady. Do not blink or move eyeballs. The awareness should be completely centred on the wick. If the mind begins to wander, gently bring it back to the practice. After a minute or two, when the eyes get tired or watery, close them gently.

Gaze at the image of the flame left behind. If the image moves up or down, or from side to side, observe it and try to stabilise it. When the image of the flame begins to fade, try and bring it back. When the image is no longer retained, gently open the eyes and gaze at the tip of the wick again and repeat the procedure. Practise 3-4 rounds.



Besides concentration and memory, tratak enhances will power.

It is an excellent way to clear accumulated complexes, problems and suppressed thoughts from the mind.

Regular practice makes the eyes clear and bright.

It balances the nervous system, relieving nervous tension, anxiety, depression and insomnia.

It is an excellent preparation for meditation.



Choose a clean and dark room for practice.

Start with 5 minutes and gradually increase the time to up to 15 minutes.

Avoid undue strain. Slowly train the eyes to avoid blinking during the practice.

Slowly move your eyeballs clockwise and anticlockwise 2-3 times and blink rapidly a few times to relax. After completing the final round, rub your palms together to make them warm and place them on your eyelids without applying pressure. Repeat 3 times.

Tratak is best practised after asana and pranayama as an integrated approach. Take the guidance of a teacher.

Though tratak can be practised at any time of the day, early morning or evenings are good.



Begin with a few asanas to loosen up the body, followed by anulom vilom pranayama (refer September 5 tabloid!). Then begin tratak.


Next week: Overcome lethargy with yoga


This is an interactive series, in which we will bring you practical tips

on daily living, inspired by the vision of yoga. Write in to tabloid@gulfnews.com with your questions and doubts regarding enhancing your lifestyle through yoga. For more information, call 800-YOGA (9642) or log on to artisticyoga.com