190528 Vrikshasana
Vrikshasana Image Credit: Supplied

Vertigo is often caused by infections or conditions of the inner ear, which is central to maintaining your balance. Vertigo is commonly believed to be a fear of heights, but it can also be experienced at ground level, while walking, or even by simply moving your head. The most common symptoms are dizziness, vomiting, and a feeling of being off-balance.

Balancing postures in yoga are very helpful in restoring balance in the body as well as reducing the feeling of vertigo over a period of time.

Note: Though these postures are easy to do and can be done by all at home, as with all exercise, it’s advisable to consult a doctor before starting them.

Vrikshasana: this is also called the tree pose as it is as graceful and steady as a tree.


  1. Stand straight with your hands by your side.
  2. Raise the right leg and place the right foot on the inner side of your left thigh maintaining your balance and as shown.
  3. Stabilise in this position and slowly inhale while raising your hands over your head and keeping it straight in a “namaste”.
  4. Balance your body here for 10-30 seconds and repeat the same on the other side.

Note: try to focus on one point straight ahead of you to maintain your balance.


  1. Is strengthens the spine and improves balance and poise.
  2. Helps in improving neuro-muscular co-ordination.
  3. It tones up the leg muscles and strengthens the knees and thighs.
  4. This posture strengthens the shoulders, inner ears and eyes.
  5. It improves your sense of balance thus reducing positional vertigo.
  6. The Tree pose teaches you patience, makes you sturdy as well as flexible.

Caution: Initially while beginning this posture, persons with vertigo can take support from a wall till your sense of balance improves.

Follow Bharat Thakur’s Himalayan Challengers with Manjari Saxena on gulfnews.com. For more information call 800-YOGA(9642) or visit artisticyoga.com