The Dhanurasana position. Image Credit: Supplied picture

Our second asana in the diabetes series is Dhanurasana (bow pose). This creates a mild pressure on the abdominal organs, which in turn stimulates the pancreas to regulate the release of insulin. Dhanurasana can provide great relief to diabetics, while generally reducing stress levels in the body.


• Lie on your stomach with your arms stretched out in front of you, palms facing down.

• Bend your knees and reach behind, take hold of your ankles from the outside.

• While inhaling, arch your body backwards while pushing upwards with your legs, and lift upwards.

Hold the final position for 10-30 seconds, breathing normally. Repeat 2-3 times

Tip: Try to keep the chest and thighs off the ground, with only the abdominal area touching the ground.


• Stretches the abdominal area, exerting a mild pressure on the pancreas

• Strengthens the back and removes mild backache

• Stretches and massages the abdominal muscles, removing excess fat from this area

Caution: People with a hernia or severe lumbar and cervical pain should avoid this asana. As with all exercise, it is advisable to consult a doctor before doing them.