Take a sip

Make water your choice of drink during suhoors and iftars. Water aids well in weight loss, helps your body get rid of toxins and reduces the feeling of hunger, so keep an eye on your liquid intake. The trick is to try not to drink large quantities of water all at once or a lot during a meal. Instead drink water between your meals and in phases.

Drink water at room temperature or slightly cold to break your fast. Do not drink iced water as it can cause your blood vessels to contract and cause indigestion.

Keep it fresh

If you must, drink fresh fruit juices rather than sweetened juices. Soft drinks will delay your digestion process and contain too much sugar that your liver will turn into fat so keep those at bay.

More veggies and fruits

Make smart food choices by eating more vegetables like cucumbers and fruits like watermelons because these are rich in water and fiber and will make you feel full for a long time and reduce thirst.

Do not overindulge

Hot and spicy dishes increases thirst so avoid these if you can, or have them in moderation.

For dessert, do not overindulge in cakes and sweets. Instead eat fresh fruits as they are easier to digest and will also make your skin glow.