Stressful situations can crop up anytime and anywhere—at home, at work, on the road. 

Working longer and longer hours, trying to make sure you have quality time at home with your family and also fit in all of the practical day-to-day chores means it’s no surprise that experts based here in the UAE are witnessing what they describe as a “stress epidemic’.

Why do we feel stressed? It happens when we feel that everyday demands become too much for us to handle. When we feel overwhelmed, stress sets in. While a little bit of stress can be good sometimes—boosting your drive and energy to get through situations like meeting deadlines—extreme or chronic stress can affect your health and take a severe emotional toll.

Medical professionals have seen a dramatic rise in the number of health disorders related to the pressures of work and the demands of a 24-hour society. Tremendous stress can lead to health issues like muscular pains, anxiety, insomnia, a weakened immune system, ulcers and panic attacks. Stress also contributes to the development of illnesses like depression, obesity, heart disease and high blood pressure. When chronic stress is left untreated these health disorders will present themselves again and again.

Rather than giving out tablets to control the symptoms, the focus now is on how to most effectively treat the cause of stress and arm people with the self-help tactics to cope with the stresses and strains of modern life.

How do you deal with stress on the spot?

Find positive and healthy ways to manage your stress when it rears its ugly head. 

The first step is to get a break from the stressor. What is stressing you out? Is it that big project at work? Issues at home? Step away from it for a while. Give yourself a breather. It is not to say you should be avoiding your stress. They have to be fixed sooner, rather than later. The key here is to allow yourself some time off so you can get a new perspective on the problem and recharge mentally and emotionally so you have renewed energy to face it.

Try positive self-talk. When you reel in the negative thoughts swirling in your head and replace them with positive ones, you are helping yourself calm down and control stress. Erase thoughts like “I can’t do this” or “Everything is falling apart” and replace them with positive self-reinforcement like “I can do this!” or “Things will work out”. Practice positive self-talk everyday, especially when you notice yourself starting to think negative thoughts.

Another form of treatment that continues to grow in popularity is cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy (CBH). This is down to the fact that it really gets to the heart of the problem using talking therapy. By combining this with hypnotherapy techniques, CBH helps stress sufferers achieve that deep sense of relaxation their mind and body are craving.
Take time to exercise—it not only conditions your body but also your mind. When feeling overwhelmed or stressed, try going on a workout, even for 20-minutes. Head to the gym or your nearest park. Go for a swim. Join a dance or yoga session. You will definitely walk out of it feeling refreshed and the effect can last for hours.
Do something that makes you feel good. It is a natural way of fighting off stress. Pick up a good book. Take up a hobby. Play a sport. Listen to music. Watch a movie. Try to do at least one thing that you enjoy every day and see your mood lift and stress levels go down.
Get support. You can relieve stress by sharing your concerns and feelings with another person—it could be a trusted friend or a professional. Talk through the feelings and situations that are causing you stress and get a fresh perspective on facing your stressor head on.
Take practical steps to stop everyday stressors. Wake up earlier than usual to avoid the stress of being late. Avoid the fast lane to help you stay calm while driving. You certainly don’t need those impatient drivers flashing their lights at you or tailgating to drive up your stress levels. Break down a pile of work into manageable tasks. Take it easy on yourself.
Take time to laugh and smile. Laughter has been known to alleviate stress and help you relax. Meditation can also help you relax. Picture yourself in a peaceful place and release negative emotions that have been causing you mental and physical stress. When you get your thoughts and emotions in check, it is easier to face life no matter what it throws your way.
So don’t let stress win. Find the support that works for you and beat stress once and for all.