

The move by the planet of communication and ideas, Mercury, into Libra on your birthday is all about what you think and what you say. That seems simple but, as situations will soon make clear, this is all about being far more forthright about your feelings, pro and con, and your desires and objectives, than is usually the case. While, initially, this might be challenging, you’ll soon find being so open isn’t just easier, it gives life a new excitement.

Aries March 20 – April 18

Somebody’s convinced it’s their responsibility to explain how you should behave in certain situations and, irritatingly, also to tell you what you did wrong. Tempting as it is say you’re not interested, they won’t pay attention. The only solution is to avoid them, at least for the time being.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

Usually, planning ahead is a virtue. While, obviously, you need to organise your days and week, ensure those arrangements are flexible. Keep in mind you’ll probably need to rethink things when the rather dramatic events triggered by the current exciting, but unsettling planetary, activity triggers shakeups, between now and mid October.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

Being an inquisitive Gemini, you collect ideas and intriguing facts out of pure interest. Still, on occasion, some come in handy. Not only is that likely to be the case now, these once unimportant facts could be the glue that holds together exciting plans or ideas until you’ve managed to stabilise them.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

Talk of changes in your way of living or working is both exciting and unsettling. While, ordinarily, you’d worry about the disruption these would cause, you’re beginning to get restless and, even more, are aware that keeping things as they’ve been is holding you back from fulfilling certain longstanding dreams.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Thus far, you’ve cleverly avoided dealing with several exceedingly dull situations. They’re not only of little interest to you, because you dislike them, you’re inattentive, so tend to get them wrong. Alas, now that forthright Mars is accenting these, you’ll no longer be able to use that excuse.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

From your perspective, life is full of rights and wrongs, much of which are based on solid practicalities. Because of that, most of the rest of the world seems to agree with these. Yet now you’re contending with somebody who not only doesn’t, they go out of their way to be defiant.

Libra September 22 – October 21

It’s rare that you get so angry with others you want the last word in an argument. But the fact is, you’re dealing with topics that are themselves provocative and which, equally, stir powerful feelings. Ironically, your intense irritation indicates you’re getting to the core of these and, therefore, making progress.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

Obviously you’re relieved to have discovered the source of certain persistent problems and, better yet, they’re being dealt with. Still, you’re shocked and annoyed that those behind these difficulties haven’t apologised. Admitting their error isn’t easy. You’ve been in the same position yourself and will remember what it’s like.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

By no means are you rigid in your thinking or your attitude towards working with others. Yet you’re becoming increasingly exasperated with certain individuals who make plans then, within days, rethink them. Actually, with your ruler Jupiter just having moved into a new sign, you, too, should be rethinking your plans.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

There’s a fine line between listening to the objections or arguments of others and actually getting involved. The trick is to do exactly that, listen carefully, but to deftly avoid being drawn into further discussion. Often all that’s necessary is for the individuals in question to feel they’ve had their say, no more.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

Saying the simple word ‘no’ is one thing, but actually getting certain individuals to believe you mean it is quite another matter. They nod or may respond in a way that seems they’re paying attention but proceed as if you’ve said nothing. This real issue is whether that ‘no’ is for real.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

One particular individual can be tricky. In the past, in fact, they’ve been unreasonable. Still, you’re facing a simple issue and can’t imagine there’d be any reason for conflict. It’s about facts, nothing more. Think twice. It isn’t about the situation, it’s about the mood of the individual in question.