

Luck can appear in many forms and, as is indicated by your birthday chart, in the most unexpected of situations. While your instincts may tip you off, as often you’ll regard a particular event or encounter as just plain odd. That hints this is something special, new and possibly life-changing. Take a chance. Get involved, if only out of curiosity. What you learn and who you meet will, at minimum, be interesting but could change your life.

Aries March 20 – April 18

One of your greatest assets, as an Aries, is your capacity to stick with what, and who, you believe in despite opposition, obstacles or the disapproval of others. Still, at the moment you could feel you must justify certain of your decisions to others. The solution? Diplomacy. Avoid the situation entirely.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

You’ve been obsessing about ways you can deal with the changes you now acknowledge are inevitable, yet keep certain elements of your life as they are. The fact is, you can’t. Upsetting as this seems now, this will force you to deal with arrangements that have been a problem for ages.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

Being a flexible Gemini, indecisiveness is fine. You take life as it comes, reshaping plans as circumstances shift. Yet, in one particular situation, somebody needs to make a decision. It will happen. But probably not until the 23rd, when your ruler Mercury meets sensible Saturn. It will, however, be worth waiting for.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

When the moment is right, settling even complex partnership issues can be easy. However, during November’s unsettling first half, the simplest of matters are likely to turn into a morass of pointless debates. Knowing that, jointly commit to discussing those issues, but during the second half of the month.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Usually you’ve no problem living with uncertainty. In fact, you rather enjoy the challenge of dealing with sudden events, especially if they’re exciting. But one or two matters involving others will influence many of your own plans and, thus, you’re getting impatient. Raise this with the individuals in question. They’ll listen.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Being a practical Virgo, while you may not like dealing with sudden changes, if they’re necessary, you’ll cope. Yet what’s come your way is so unexpected and, equally, so unsettling you’re unsure what to do. Retreat and reflect. Once you’re calmer, you’ll realise these changes are both wise and timely.

Libra September 22 – October 21

This week, patience isn’t just wise, it’s necessary. Somebody seemed ready to go along with the plans you’ve discussed, but is questioning their decision. Forget about reason or outwitting them. Instead, take advantage of the time pressure they’re under by saying and doing nothing. They’ll soon be forced to buckle.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

Sooner or later you’ll need to untangle one particularly tricky situation involving others. While, obviously, you’d rather deal with this so you can move on, a certain individual isn’t ready to acknowledge the issue and, still less, discuss it with anybody else. Say nothing. They’ll raise it when they’re ready to.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

During dynamic if unsettling periods such as this, which means changes are inevitable, even the simplest of arrangements really must be regarded as tentative. That being the case, take advantage of this opportunity to try out plans or ideas that, during quieter times, might be too much of a risk.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

With both soft-hearted Venus and your ruler Saturn in the most vulnerable, and strategic, portion of your chart, you have virtually no control over relationships in which you already feel insecure. Actually, that’s the point. What you learn about your deepest feelings now will prove invaluable for the rest of your life.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

It’s easy to forget that, by and large, progress in one direction means leaving things behind. Although what’s next remains unclear, there are strong indications of what’s on its way out. If you’ve mixed feelings about this, it’s no surprise. Still, your instincts have long told you certain arrangements must go.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

November is a month of twists and turns for everybody, including you. Worrying as that may sound, often what’s most unexpected will lead to something brilliant, although at the time, you won’t know how. The trick is to explore everything, including what seems unappealing. It could actually be best in the long run.