

Obviously, kindness and generosity are virtues. Yet these, both as qualities of character and, even more, in their role in your daily life, are central to your birthday chart. While this might mean becoming more involved with a formal charitable organisation, it could equally, be about recognising how you could support those around you, from family and friends to, perhaps, neighbours. In every case, your efforts and the resulting insights will benefit you as much as they do others.

Aries March 20 – April 18

You rarely judge others but you do take note of those who steer clear of the variety of problems you rather enjoy tackling. The fact is, however, some of what you’re facing is unlikely to improve until the end of next week. That being the case, busy yourself with more pressing matters.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

Being an earth sign, you have a logical mind. But being ruled by Venus, planet of charm and love, you can be swayed by gracious words, a pleasant setting or somebody’s good looks. While this is understandable, you’re in a vulnerable mood, and so easily seduced. Knowing that, be especially cautious.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

Between now and the end of the month, you’ll need to discuss various joint plans and, ultimately, turn those discussions into decisions. Tempting as it is to get this dealt with as soon as possible, it’s unwise. Instead, wait until after the New Moon, on the 29th, and the accompanying crucial facts.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

This is one of those perplexing periods during which discoveries, many unexpected, substantially alter your views about others, and their trustworthiness. And often. That being the case, discuss your concerns openly with the individuals in question. This enables them to explain themselves, and the basis for their actions, and without delay.

Leo July 22 – August 21

You’re so on edge that you fear you’ve said too much to one individual and been overly demanding with another. Knowing that, it’s worth apologising, although you may be surprised to learn they rather enjoyed your theatrical demands. However, because not everybody feels that way, it’s still worth saying you’re sorry.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

There are few things worse than facing the realisation that what you’d assumed had been dealt with, had either been forgotten or done wrong. Yet that appears to be the case. What’s most important is that you not feel guilty. Others aren’t nearly as much of a perfectionist as you are.

Libra September 22 – October 21

While the Full Moon, earlier in the week, brought your feelings about practical and financial matters to a head, that by no means suggests you were able to talk things through. Now, at last, you’ll have both facts enough and the time necessary to discuss these in the depth required.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

When you sidestepped certain information, you were trying to simplify the discussion of certain tricky matters. Since then, however, those seemingly unimportant details have become far more central to the situation in question. Say exactly this, and reveal every single fact you’ve kept under wraps. Then talk this over with those concerned.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

It’s easy to blame others or even destiny for the series of minor but annoying problems you’re facing. But the fact is, these are in large part because you ignored details that, in the past, seemed unimportant. Now they are significant, and worse, they’re the source of these ongoing difficulties. Deal with them now.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

Few things are more challenging than watching somebody important to you struggle. Yet, at the same time, you know that if they’re to learn the lessons involved, you must back off and allow them to deal with those issues on their own. Still, ensure they know you’re there, and care.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

An easy and efficient way to deal with complex or, perhaps, awkward questions is to give a partial answer. While you usually get back to them, and fill in the missing details, in one or two recent situations, you didn’t. Update those involved immediately, before they base decisions on incorrect information.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

Unsettling, if not upsetting, as recent setbacks were, they were also amazingly informative. So much that they got you thinking about new ways to tackle persistent problems. Thus far, you’re making remarkable progress. While this will require patience and perseverance, what you achieve will more than justify the effort.