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In light of World Mental Health Day, we compiled a list of common neuro-developmental and behavioural issues that can affect children.

When the disorders are not diagnosed and children or young adults are left to handle them on their own, the risk of mental health issues becomes extremely high. Anger, anxiety, depression, inability to perform daily tasks and inability to be socially active are common in such cases.

These disorders and their symptoms vary from child to child. While some may exhibit very mild symptoms, others may be unable to function normally. Early diagnosis can help all children diagnosed with these disorders manage the symptoms effectively.

1. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

ASD covers a wide range of disabilities and symptoms associated with abnormality in brain development. Having a child with autism increases the probability of having another autistic child by 5 per cent.

2. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Inability to focus and pay attention, difficulty to control emotions and excessive activity. ADHD can lead to other mental health problems if not managed appropriately.

3. Dyspraxia or developmental co-ordination disorder

Affects co-ordination skills for tasks requiring balance, kicking and throwing a ball and fine motor skills (writing or using small objects carefully) in children and adults - National health Service, UK. October 9 to 15 is being celebrated as Dyspraxia Awareness Week to ensure the condition gets diagnosed as early as possible and for increasing awareness among parents.

4. Dyslexia or reading disorder

Causes difficulty in reading and impair fluent reading and comprehension. Despite being intelligent, children may be unable to read or decode reading as easily.

5. Dysphasia

Affects language and communication learning

6. Dysgraphia

Difficulty in writing including issues in handwriting, spelling and organisation skills