The new year comes with promises of a fresh start and here we give you a list of 10 off-beat resolutions to make this year Image Credit: Pixabay


The first ever instance where the complete phrase “New Year resolutions” made an appearance in mainstream communication was in a Boston newspaper, on January 1, 1813. The short article (author unknown) talks about how people, even then, used New Year resolutions to forget or make right whatever they did the previous year. It seemed common, from the 19th century, to make fun of the practice as it was only seen as a way to enjoy or indulge during the last few months of the year before renewed resolutions and promised good behaviour would wipe the slate clean for the next year.

However, the practice of promising things at the start of a New Year was practiced by Babylonians as early as 2000 B.C. They celebrated the new year festival, Akitu, in mid-March and would make promises of loyalty to the rulers or pledges to appease gods. Romans also did this, first during March which then shifted to January in Caesar’s era. January is named after the two-faced Roman god Janus, who Romans believed looked into the past and the future at the same time. Pledges or promises at the time leaned more towards pleasing gods than self-improvement.

Likewise, religious groups since their inception have had New Year’s Eve prayers and pledges. While these pledges were collective promises to a deity, the idea behind doing it is clearly to use the new year to redo, or rather, undo what was done before.

Another mention of the word ‘resolutions’ in direct relation to New Year is in a documented diary entry from January 2, 1671 by Anni Helkett, a Scottish writer. She wrote down promises to herself, most of which seemed to be inspired from the Bible, and titled the entry “Resolutions”. This is further proof that the practice was followed in society even then, but may not have been referred to as New Year resolutions. What is also really old and proven is that only 8 per cent of people who make resolutions succeed in keeping them. The new year brings with it the promise of a fresh start, so it's only befitting that we also try and improve and renew ourselves in some ways. Making a few resolutions is an ideal way to get this going, but we must remember to only make resolutions that we're able to keep. So, this year, Guides has compiled a list of off-beat resolutions to inspire you to keep them. We see 2016 as a year to start slowing down and enjoying life a little more.

10 resolutions to make this New Year

The New Year brings with it the promise of a fresh start, so it's only befitting that we try to improve and renew ourselves. Making a few resolutions is an ideal way to get this going, but we must remember to only make resolutions that we're able to keep.

Don’t forget to tell us what your resolutions are this year via the comment section.

1. Get a new skill

Having one extra skill under your belt will make you feel more confident and inspire you to grow intellectually. If you don't know how to cook, download recipes, go grocery shopping and cook away until you can confidently throw a small dinner party by the end of the year.

Take up lessons for an instrument you have always wanted to play. Learn a dance style. The options are endless and it is never too late to start.

2. Adopt a pet

Adopting a pet is a lot of work and there are a lot of factors to consider before getting one including pet options, choices of pet homes and your lifestyle. If you feel you won't be able to keep up with the responsibility of taking care of a pet, please don't adopt one. But, after all the work is done and you're sure this is what you want to do, there is nothing as rewarding as a warm furry welcome at the end of the day.

Gulf News has an online section dedicated to finding homes for needy pets. Click here to know more about adopting a pet 

Making space for a new family member who also needs your care and attention is a big change but a good one, both for you and your pet. A pet can help you be less stressed, more active and more thoughtful.

3. Learn a new language

Languages are man's best and most creative inventions. To have lived in this world knowing just one or two is a shame. Learn a new language this year.

No, you do not need to be able to write poetry with it, but on New Year's Eve next year you should be able to have a proper conversation with someone who speaks the language.

4. No-social-media day

To go from no internet to never-off-the-internet took surprisingly little time. Get off all social media for one day a week. This does not mean you are off the grid and unreachable. Switch off your Wi-Fi connection or your data package and resolve not to switch it on again that day.

5. Log in daily inspiration

We need to reconnect with ourselves to be able to de-stress and be completely happy with life's pace.

Start keeping a 'Highlight' log. Every day you have to log in the happiest or the best moment of the day in a sentence or less. It could be meeting someone, striking a new deal or simply getting a hug. If your day went completely crazy and all you want is to sleep, being able to sleep would be your highlight. This will inspire you to see the positive side in everything you do.

6. Budget and Save

Budgeting your earnings and expenses helps you keep track of your finances and gives you room for worthier expenses. Note down all your monthly expenses including an average credit-card run up, if any. Out of these, slash those expenses that seem unnecessary or wasteful. The remaining amount would be your gross savings. Keeping only your debit cards with you on a daily basis will help cut any shopping spree surges.

Make this amount a recurring saving in a separate account that has to happen every month no matter what. At the end of the year, you can either choose to continue saving or use no more than half of that to treat yourself.

7. Create and recreate

Make your own table from an old one you got at a flea market; paint a wall or all the walls of your home on your own. Make gifts or recycle rather than buying them. Make your own pencil holders and paperweights. Buy an old house and renovate it on your own for yourself. If you are a techie, create an app or a game that is useful for you or others.

Using things that would have become waste ensures that your creations are environmentally sustainable, which will also inspire others. Make a resolution this year to create something of your own or to modify something to be yours.Creating and recreating involves putting a lot of meaning and love into things, which then become a source of constant inspiration.

8. Visit another country

Make it a resolution to visit at least one country other than the ones you usually travel to. Research well in advance to learn their culture and customs. You could try to learn the language of the country so as to be able to converse with the locals. Make the trip about the experience and not just a stamp on your passport. Watch out for the Guides list of best places to visit in 2016.

9. Back to books

Make a list of books that you will read this year and stick to your reading schedule. One book per month is a reasonable aim. Squeeze in some reading while you travel to and from work, at night before bed or early in the mornings. Online or virtual reading come with a lot of distractions, so try and stick to books.

10. Acts of love

Make this year about showing your love and affection to people in your life. Write a letter to a friend who you know will appreciate it. Send a bunch of flowers to a friend who deserves a better day. Write a note of appreciation to a hard-working team member. Make a surprise visit back home and take your family on a trip. Make every day a special one for someone in your life.