We love living in the UAE!

Where else can you get a food delivery at two in the morning? Or free beverages every day of the week if you’re a lady? We love the sky scrapers, the parks, the dunes and the malls.

But there’re also a lot of things that we all just need to stop doing. We're sure you'll agree with a lot of them. Here are 15 things that people in the UAE need to stop doing right now. 

1. Stop rubbernecking

We get it. It’s human nature to slow down and look at the poor shmuck on the side of the road whose car bumper got hit. We are all curious human beings who want to slow down and find out why there’re flashing blue lights up ahead.

But guess what? You’re an inconvenience to everyone. Stop causing traffic and just look ahead of you and drive. Please. And thank you.

2. Stop it with the garbage

The beautiful lakes at Al Qudra are the newest place for people to enjoy the nature that the UAE has to offer. Guess who is ruining it for everyone? People who litter.

It’s tough to enjoy the sunsets with all these plastic bags floating in the water. The swans and other animals at the lake are dying because they are eating the garbage that you leave behind. This is just simple human decency. Stop littering in Al Qudra. Stop littering ANYWHERE for that matter. 

3. Metro etiquette

In an ideal world, the train arrives, passengers on the train get off it, while people on the station stand to the side. At every metro station in Dubai, it’s very clearly indicated where you need to stand, when the train arrives, in order to let people get off. And guess where that is? It’s not right in front of the door.

So please just make everyone's commute easier by standing back and giving people the chance to get out without a wall of humans blocking their exit.

4. Driving slow in the fast lane

The left lanes in this country are reserved for those brave souls, who drive at lightning speed. It may not be the safest mode of transportation, but sometimes you to need to get somewhere fast. Don’t be the person who slows everyone down. If you choose to drive there, then speed up.

5. Chains of slow humans

Some people take it easy and stroll through the mall at a comfortably glacial speed. That’s fine. You’re a free person. What you shouldn’t do is link your arms with four other family members and create a chain of slow walking people, who block the way for shoppers in the mall. Just don’t do it.

6. Phones in movie theatres

The ‘switch off your mobile’ rule is as old as the mobile phone itself. It still baffles us how people still insist on texting or taking a phone call during a movie. Your bright light ruins the experience for everyone.

7. Stealing peoples Ubers and Careems

Granted; these situations could happen by accident, but you have to check before the car moves, that the one you are in the one you ordered. If you steal other people’s Ubers and Careems, while fully knowing what you're doing, then you’re not a nice person. Stop it.

8. Cutting lines  

In many situations, people here love to cut lines. Whether it’s on the road, in a grocery store, or standing in line for a bathroom. Wait your turn. It’s unfair and people hate you.

9. Breaking traffic rules

Don’t text while driving, you could die or kill someone else.

Don’t over speed, you could die or kill someone.

Don’t viciously cut in front of another car, you could die or kill someone.

Basically, stop breaking the rules. Focus on driving, be courteous, use your indicators and your logic. Let’s all work together to try and decrease the amount of fatalities on the road in the UAE.

10. Basic manners

Think logically about what it takes to be a good person, and just do it. Smile, wish people a good morning, say please and thank you, hold the door open, let the pedestrian cross the street and just be a decent human.

Bonus Round

You complained and we listened!

Here are 5 other things our readers think are the most annoying things people in the UAE do.  

1. Flashing headlights

Hey buddy in the back, we see your gigantic car tailgating us, we do not need your headlights blinding us as well! People who flash multiple times to get others out of their way are rude. Don’t be that rude person.


2. Elevator etiquette

Shouldn’t it make more sense for people to get out of a confined space BEFORE you decide to get in it? Think about that next time you are waiting right in front of an elevator door, and rush in before the person inside can get out. We’ll just make it really simple. Do not enter the elevator, until people inside have gone out. Thank you.

3. Not being on time

We get it, people in the UAE run on ‘Arab timings’, which means if you all decide to meet at a specific time, you should most likely add 20 to 30 minutes to that time. It’s easy to blame the traffic, but try and be a courteous person and arrive punctually. You are clearly disrespecting the other person by wasting their valuable time.

4. Basic Hygiene

This one is simple. Make sure you smell clean. Try to always carry a deodorant in your bag, so that you aren’t slowly killing the people around you.

5. Spitting on sidewalks

This seems to be an ongoing complaint from most of our readers. We aren’t sure why people spit? And it baffles us that they would do it in public and on the floor right there! Please stop spiting. No one wants to step on your saliva.