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Exaggerated goals for health are not only hard to keep, the lack of results can de-motivate you. Getting unhealthy was not a one-day process and thus, getting permanently healthier requires time and subtle habitual changes.

1. Start with water

Drinking one tall glass or 350ml of lukewarm water in the morning on an empty stomach, right after you wake up, works like magic from day one. Improved digestion, better weight loss results, clearer skin, body detox, better energy levels and reduced cravings for caffeine are just some of the health benefits of this easy act. You can choose to add a dash of lemon with a teaspoon of honey to make things interesting; this also leads to some belly-fat burning.

2. Wake up earlier

Morning is the most productive period of the day and even if you aren’t a morning person, one extra hour in the morning keeps you fresh and energetic later on. Wake up half an hour earlier than you normally do and then work your way to an acceptable wake-up time.

Water your plants, have your breakfast rather than gobbling it down, plan your day, do some stretching or simply stare into space; that extra time will help you take on the rest of the day with double your normal energy levels.

3. Keep your phone away

At least 15 minutes before you retire for the day, say goodnight to all of your social media and your wifi. Keep your phone just out of reach, so you actually have to get out of bed to switch off your alarm. If you need to play some music, turn it on flight mode; this significantly reduces radiation levels. Even then, keep your phone several feet away as any phone when switched on gives off radiation.

4. Walk everywhere

Don’t waste this great weather. Park your car further away, hop off the metro one station before your usual stop, walk to the supermarket, walk everywhere. When the weather gets warmer, evening walks are the solution. Improved circulation, weight management, better metabolism and digestion are some benefits of walking for at least 30 minutes a day.

5. Soothing music to sleep well

Going to sleep at night is getting harder for most of us because of stress levels, improper sleep patterns and lack of exercise. While it is difficult to tackle all of these, some soothing music or meditative chants might just do the trick and help you sleep like a baby.

6. Detox weekends

Detoxing is both psychological and physiological. Plan for a detox weekend once a month where you concentrate on cleansing your mind and body inside out. Wake up early and do some meditation, write out your fears and animosities, declutter your home, eat healthy food and concentrate on detoxifying drinks and fluids. Switch the refresh mode on.

7. Read food labels

Read the labels on everything you buy starting from water bottles. If you can’t pronounce something or if an ingredient list contains distinctly chemical terms, do some research on what the ingredients are. You don’t need to be paranoid about it, but knowing what you put into your body is a necessity for a healthy life.

8. Say no to diet soda

Avoiding soda, carbonated drinks and even diet soda all together can make a huge positive health impact. At worst drink no more than one soda a week. Diet sodas are not better than normal soda in any way and increases your risk for Type 2 diabetes significantly. Zero calories should not come at the cost of drinking a chemical cocktail which without question, will make you gain even more weight by disrupting your metabolic patterns.

9. Regular check-ups

Whether you are 25 years old or 65, have a complete check-up at least twice a year. Other than the prescribed tests, check your cholesterol, vitamin and mineral levels, fat percentage, BMI and other general health factors. Women should conduct a breast cancer check at least once a year, which is usually offered for free in October at many health outlets. Men should do the same for testicular cancer.

10. Be happy

Happiness is more of a choice than a situation. Choose to be happy with life and what the world gives you. If something stresses you, analyse if it will result in total annihilation of your world. If it doesn’t, you can deal with it.Happiness increases life, not just by increasing your time on earth but by increasing what you can contribute or receive from life in the time that you have.