1. Does the law restrict the employment of any category of persons?

1. Employment of Juveniles (of either sex) under the age of 15 is prohibited. Before employing a juvenile, employers must retain copies shall obtain from him the following documents in the Juvenile's personal file:

A birth certificate or age-estimation certificate issued by a specialized physician and certified by the concerned health authorities.

A certificate of physical fitness for the nature of proposed work, issued by a specialized physician and certified y the concerned authorities.

A written consent from the juvenile's guardian.

2. Further the employment of juveniles is prohibited under the following circumstances:

a. At night in industries.

b. In hazardous jobs or work which is harmful to health.

c. With working hours in excess of six hours per day (one or more breaks for rest is to be provided within the stipulated six hours).

d. To work overtime under any circumstances or to remain at the place of work after their working hours.

e. Work on holidays.

f. Employment of women at night between 10.00 p.m. to 7.00 am is prohibited, save and except for the following situations/categories:

During work stoppages due to force majeure.

Employees in relatively technical and administrative position.

3. Health workers - other jobs as determined by the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, provided that the woman employee does not usually perform a manual job.

g. Woman are not to be employed in hazardous or difficult work and, other duties harmful to health or morals, or in other jobs as may be specified by the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs.