In Teresa's first novel, The Wedding Favour, " two strangers become friends, pretending to be lovers, but one starts wishing it’s true." Image Credit: Supplied picture

 Friday: Where do you start with a book - beginning, middle or end?

Teresa Morgan: Always at the beginning - I don’t like spoilers. Sometimes I’ll read the blurb to remind me of the plot directions, but never the end!

Friday: What’s your favourite genre?

Teresa Morgan: Romance, although that can be anything from contemporary to supernatural. I want to have a happy ‘feel good’ ending whatever the story.

Friday: How often do you revisit books? Any you’ve read many times?

Teresa Morgan: There are books I’d like to read again one day, and remain on the bookshelf, but so far I’ve only revisited the Harry Potter series, twice.

Friday: What attracts you about a new author?

Teresa Morgan: Lately, I choose on recommendations, but sometimes the book cover takes my fancy. I read a Gerald Seymour book due to an interview in a magazine.

Friday: Do you treat a book as your night cap?

Teresa Morgan: I can’t read in bed due to a bad back. Wish I could - it would help me switch off. But it’s research too, so tend to read whenever I can.

Friday: When it comes to book purchases what guides you? Impulse, instinct or a sale?

Teresa Morgan: I can’t resist a bargain! But it will depend on the book. I’ll buy the next Charlaine Harris whatever, come May 2012.

Friday: When was the last time you hit upon a real treasure of a book and where?

Teresa Morgan: Last year, I bought ‘Jane Eyre’ at a secondhand book stall for 85p. Absolutely loved it and will read it again, one day.

Friday: What is your new book about? What other genres would you like to attempt?

Teresa Morgan:The Wedding Favour’ - two strangers become friends, pretending to be lovers, but one starts wishing it’s true. I’ll stick to romance for now.