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Most of us have friends or relatives who seem more concerned about lighting and aesthetics than taste. Regardless of the taste, food has to be an eye-pleasing reflection of the magical nature of their Insta-tastic lives. For the majority, it’s a harmless habit, if you don’t mind lukewarm food and standing on chairs. 

Yet, a recent report in the Independent highlighted how too much foodie-friendly photography may indeed be more harmful than previously thought.

The article pointed to posts from an American influencer. The Instagrammer in question is 26-year-old Alex Meixner and she’s a fitness trainer (@MeowMeix). Meixner points out that people often throw portion control out of the proverbial window in favour of heaping their plate with a mouth-watering, Insta-worthy temptation.

The young American posts images of dishes that are the correct portion in calories alongside more generous portions, seductively composed for Instagram likes (alongside the amount of calories in each image).

Despite Meixner’s point, you may not have to abandon your phone for the gym just yet. According to a study published in April last year by the University of Washington, Instagramming your meals can have a positive effect on your calorie intake, especially if you’re looking to lose weight. 

The researchers interviewed 16 Instagrammers who use the app as a way of documenting their progress towards fitness and weight-loss goals. Most pointed out that being able to visually review what they’d eaten encouraged them to stay working towards their fitness goals and added that it was more fun than keeping a log or a food diary.