If you never ask the question, you’ll never know the answer.

That truism worked two times over for Breaking Bad fan Stefan Montana, who last week asked Bryan Cranston — a.k.a. Walter White — to help him ask his friend Maddie to the junior prom.

The answer to both questions was, happily, yes!

When approached outside the theatre where he’s onstage as President Lyndon B. Johnson in All the Way, Cranston obliged Montana by delivering a version of a classic Breaking Bad line: “Maddie, if you don’t go to the prom with Stefan,” he said, “then maybe your best course of action would be to tread lightly.”

The high school junior chimed in at the end of the video with his proposition to Maddie, who’s apparently also a Breaking Bad fan. He posted the results in a tweet to Cranston on Thursday.

“She said yes!,” he tweeted, along with a link to the Instagram video he’d sent to his prospective date.

Montana was in New York City with his family after touring colleges, the New York Daily News reported.

“It wasn’t a realistic thought at first,” said the teen. “But we were waiting [outside the theatre] and I asked, ‘Could you please do this?’”

He then went on about how nice Cranston was. “He’s not really a celebrity,” Montana told the paper, “he’s a dude.”

But a dude with a history. As Montana told ABC News on Sunday, “I don’t think there’s any saying no to Walter White.”