For many people, work-life balance could seem far-fetched. They could feel that one has to give to make the other work. By definition, a balance can’t be this black and white.

Achieving a balance is doable throughout all phases of work and life. The good news is that it is not driven by what type of job you have or what relationships you’re trying to develop. What really drives your lifework balance is your ability to focus on what matters and maximise your time.

Cutting out distractions and reducing time-draining tasks can be a great start. It is also important to focus on your goals, and eliminate your bad habits. For many people who constantly complain about not having time for anything, it is their lifestyle that sucks their free time.

Here are a few tips to achieve balance in your life and work and focus on your goals.

Use time efficiently

If you find yourself having to work overtime often, take a good look at your habits before blaming it on the workload. Do you use your work time efficiently? Are you able to turn off distractions, focus on work and get it done as quickly as needed? If the answer is no, this is where you need to start.

Many people mix work and personal time, which adversely impacts both. If you spend your day checking your Facebook timeline, calling family members or chatting with coworkers, then you have to put in additional work hours during the weekend, you’re doing yourself, your employer and your friends and family a disservice.

The secret is in “undivided attention.” Get focus on what you’re doing and do it right. This will take less time, ensure that the task is done correctly and help you move on to your next task or to your time off.

Remove bad habits

Overtime we all develop bad habits: browsing the internet aimless, playing video games excessively or flipping through television channels for hours. Although how you spend your free time is no one’s business, it is something to think about if it is taking precious time that could be spend on managing your personal matters.

For example, do you use the internet during the work day to respond to personal emails, complete personal transactions and pay bills? Here are things that you should be done on your own time.

Being aware of the time you waste will help you take charge and find ways to maximise your productivity at work and in life. This is not to say that you should never take some relaxing, free time. Just be conscious of how much this stretch of time extends.

Cut time-wasters

You must begin with yourself, but you also must be aware of others who simply people — friends, family and coworkers — who are wasting your time or energy. Do you have a friend who calls you three times a week to update you on the latest drama in their life? Do you spend hours around the water cooler or around breaks with coworkers who want to chat around? Take a stand, and be ready to tell people that you need to go back to your other commitments, i.e. work or family.

In short, don’t let your courtesy get you carried away in conversations or events that you don’t care about or have time for. And rest assured, you won’t appear to be anti-social. In fact, there are many people out there who maximise their time to achieve more. You only will become one of “those” who are not available for nonsense. Your friends will appreciate the time they spend with you, and your coworkers will make every conversation count.

Know your current priorities

There are times in life when work takes centre stage, and family comes first in many phases. If you’re at a stage where your personal life is not evolving and you have the opportunity to pour more time and energy into your career, do it by all means. Similarly, if your career is stable, and you family life is demanding, invest more in these personal relationships. The point is: balance doesn’t always have to mean 50/50. You can take some strides in one area, without necessarily falling behind on the other.

The writer, a former Gulf News Business Features Editor, is a Seattle-based editor.

Balance work and life

Maximise your time at work

Cut distractions to improve focus

Be ready to eliminate bad habits

Know your goals and priorities
