Christmas Village Burjuman Mall
Image Credit: Supplied

The end of the year is already here which can only mean one thing: Christmas. And as is tradition, BurJuman Mall will be leading the celebrations with its annual festive extravaganza. The Dubai shopping centre turns into a winter wonderland again this year, promising to put a sparkle in everyone’s eyes for with seasonal decorations, a magnificent Christmas tree, unlimited photo opportunities, magical festive parades and a visit from a very special character.

In fact, there’s so much to do at the mall this season that you may just have to make several visits. We’ve put together a list to help you along.

1. Visit the Christmas Village

Few of us have had the chance to get away this year, but travelling to a winter wonderland has just gotten easier. As of December 9, BurJuman Mall has recreated a picture-postcard Christmas right here in the UAE. The shopping centre’s towering atrium is where all the action is: there are photo zones, a virtual-reality snowball game, arts and crafts stations and a life-size winter globe, complete with animated Santa Claus and elves. If you’re very lucky, you may even be able to experience a surprise snowfall.

BurJuman Mall’s Christmas Village is open on weekdays from 2pm to 10pm until January 7, 2022.

2. Count the decorations on the Christmas tree

At nine metres high, BurJuman Mall’s Christmas tree is certainly one of the tallest in the Dubai. But how many decorations did it take for the tree to look its festive best before it was finally lit up on December 12? Sit yourself down from across the tree and count as high as you can go. Remember, no calculators or technology help allowed.

3. Share your wish list with Santa – in person

Santa Claus loves lists because that way there’s no chance of disappointing you. And because he’s taking up residence right here all through the holiday season, you’ve got the opportunity to tell him exactly what you’re wishing for – whether it’s a gift for yourself or something that everyone else can share in (you know, we could use some of his magic to send the coronavirus packing!).

Time your visit between 2pm and 10pm on weekdays until January 7 to meet the man in person.

4. Grab a selfie with Santa and his elves

And while you’re chatting with him, remember to stop for a selfie with Santa and his busy elves - there’s nothing he loves more. Then upload the photo and any others taken at the mall to your social media feeds to take part in BurJuman Mall’s Snap, Share and Win contest. Remember to tag the @BurJuman accounts on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or TikTok. If it’s one of the better ones, the mall’s magical photo elves may even repost it – and you could win a cool prize. Be warned, though: competition is fierce and entries have already started streaming in, so get clicking!

5. Spot a festive parade

The festive season is when all kinds of enchanted characters make their appearance for a few magical moments, bringing joy, love and peace to everyone they encounter. This year, a host of magical beings are coming to BurJuman Mall to spread happiness to one and all. The holiday season, of course, is the most magical time of all, so make sure to visit the mall on weekdays. The parades are scheduled to take place at 6pm, 7pm and 8pm on these days all the way into January.

Burjuman Mall
Image Credit: Supplied

6. Shop till you drop

Time’s running out. There are only nine shopping days to Christmas, so if you haven’t made started on your list already, there’s not much time to lose if you want to avoid a frantic dash around the mall on Christmas Eve. Luckily, retailers at BurJuman Mall have come together to with hundreds of offers for shoppers. So you’ll have enough options to buy a gift for each of the 12 days of Christmas for all the people on your list. (And while you’re at it, throw in some for yourself, because #SelfLove).

7. Take your tastebuds on a Christmas adventure

For many, the highlight of Christmas is the food. The UAE is home to people from more than 200 countries and territories, and many of these cuisines are available at BurJuman Mall’s restaurants and food court. You know what that means: you’ll be able to tuck into a different Christmas dish every day of the season.

BurJuman Mall’s Christmas celebrations take place on weekdays between December 9, 2021 and January 7, 2022. Find out more at or follow @BurJuman on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and TikTok for live updates.

This content comes from Reach by Gulf News, which is the branded content team of GN Media.