Akbar Moideen Thumbay, Vice President, Thumbay Healthcare

Akbar Moideen Thumbay is a distinguished professional and a prominent figure in the healthcare industry. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, he currently serves as the Vice President of Thumbay Healthcare, co-chair of GMU Academic Health System and Member of the board of Thumbay Group, a renowned and innovative diversified business house established by his father, Thumbay Moideen in 1997.

Akbar’s journey in the healthcare sector has been marked by his unwavering dedication and passion for delivering exceptional medical services. With a deep-rooted commitment to providing accessible and high-quality healthcare, he has played a pivotal role in the expansion and success of Thumbay Group’s healthcare operations.

Under his leadership, Thumbay Healthcare has witnessed remarkable growth and development. His strategic vision and meticulous planning have propelled the organisation to new heights, transforming it into a leading provider of healthcare services in the region.

A titan in the medical industry, the ThumbayGroup has a 3,500-strong workforce, with projections estimating a fivefold increase as pipeline projects wrap up.

Thumbay Healthcare, a leading subsidiary of the Thumbay Group, has achieved significant recognition as the first healthcare entity in the country to receive the prestigious JCI Enterprise Accreditation, joining an elite group of five globally recognized institutes with this distinction. With a record of treating over 10 million patients and conducting 70,000 deliveries, Thumbay Healthcare integrates cutting-edge research and modern technology to provide comprehensive care.

The Group’s Healthcare Division encompasses a chain of family clinics named Thumbay Clinic and multispecialty day care hospitals called Thumbay Hospital Day Care that are well-established across the UAE. The division is furthered enriched by the ever-popular diagnostic labs; Thumbay Labs, and Retail Pharmacy chain.

Akbar has been instrumental in establishing and managing state-of-the-art network of academic hospitals, clinics, and medical centres, ensuring that patients receive comprehensive care and advanced treatment options.

A staunch believer in the intrinsic value of healthcare to the community, Akbar underscores its significance in the UAE. One of his key initiatives has been to promote Thumbay Hospitals in the medical tourism segment aggressively, with Thumbay pioneering inbound medical tourism in the UAE since 2007. The Group’s ultra-modern healthcare services are promoted to international patients across 87 countries through tie-ups with representative offices. Akbar’s passion project has expanded its reach to attract medical tourists from GCC, and Africa, and now aims to conquer Europe and parts of Asia, leveraging Dubai’s central location as a prime medical tourism hub.

A strong advocate for innovation and technology in healthcare, Akbar has pioneered the implementation of cutting-edge medical advancements within Thumbay Healthcare. He actively encourages research and development initiatives, fostering a culture of innovation that drives the continuous improvement of healthcare practices.

His exceptional leadership skills and business acumen have earned him accolades and recognition within the healthcare industry. Akbar’s unwavering dedication to the well-being of patients, combined with his strategic approach to healthcare management, has made him a trusted and respected figure among his peers.

Akbar Moideen Thumbay has not only inherited his father’s legacy but also continues to uphold and expand upon the values instilled by his esteemed father, Thumbay Moideen, and his mother Zohra Moideen. With a deep sense of respect for his father’s vision, Akbar has embraced the core principles of compassion, integrity, and excellence in healthcare, further strengthening the foundation laid by his father. By following in his father’s footsteps, Akbar has ensured a seamless continuity of the family’s commitment to transforming the healthcare landscape and positively impacting countless lives.

Devoting equal time to family and business, Akbar is married to Nousheen Salma, and blessed with three lovely children, Ahmed, Omar and Rashid.

Akbar’s role as Vice President of the Thumbay Healthcare Division showcases his exemplary leadership, vision, and commitment to transforming healthcare. Through his tireless efforts, he has contributed significantly to the growth and success of Thumbay Group, while also championing accessible and quality healthcare for all.