Hessa Bint Eisa Buhamid Baby Expo FOR WEB
Hessa Bint Eisa Buhumaid, Director General of the Community Development Authority at Baby Expo

Get ready for an unforgettable experience at the Baby Expo Dubai, on at the Dubai World Trade Centre. The two-day event began yesterday on May 24 and is open from 10am until 7pm today, May 25.

A haven for parents and parents-to-be, the Baby Expo offers a warm and inviting atmosphere buzzing with excitement. Over 150 premier global brands from the infant, toddler, baby, and maternity sectors are showcasing the latest products and services, while respected health care experts are also on hand offering invaluable information on childcare and parenting.

Visitors at The Baby Expo Dubai at DWTC on the first day of the event on May 24 Image Credit:

Visitors can explore thousands of products, enjoy exclusive show discounts, and gain insights from leading industry, and medical and health experts. Apart from the opportunity to attend informative workshops, seminars, and interactive demonstrations, lucky visitors can walk away with armloads of gifts and goody bags, too.

Nick Blair

Nick Blair, Co-Founder of the Baby Expo, shared his insights on what led to organizing such an event. "I've been in the events industry in Dubai for the last 12 years. When my wife and I realized we were going to become parents, we had so many questions on our minds. That got me thinking that there must be an event in the Middle East that has all of these things under one roof. So, we came up with the idea of the Baby Expo."

The Baby Expo boasts a variety of content across three stages. "We've got King's College Hospital that has their own dedicated stage, with midwives giving advice on breastfeeding and weaning, among several other topics. Then we've got a main stage featuring inspirational mompreneurs sharing their experiences. The expert education stage offers sessions on various extremely useful parenting topics," Nick explained.

With high-profile celebrities including Kris Fade, Joelle Mardinian, and Russel & Lindsey Kane sharing their personal and professional experiences, attendees can expect valuable insights about their parenting journeys.

Kris Fade

“My journey as a parent began 14 years ago with my daughter Zara a.k.a Noushi. I also have a 12 year old, Kiki, and now I’ve been blessed with a son, Kruz. He’s six months old now and I'm living parenthood all over again. It's a beautiful feeling,’’ says Kris Fade, media personality, co-founder and host of the Baby Expo. “Parenting can be very difficult but when you have a community around you to help it makes it a lot easier.”

The well-known Dubai-based RJ will be presenting a session to visitors at the Baby Expo on Saturday.

“Sometimes you hear stories about only the positive side of parenting- how wonderful it is, how easy it is… all the best things. But you're not aware of the wave that is coming.”

He recalls how his first child had colic. “It was very stressful,” he says.

“So you've got to make sure that you're prepared. I want to talk about the realness of being a parent. It's not just rainbows and butterflies. There are some pressures that are involved. It's also understanding each other, making sure as a husband that you're aware of what your wife is going through… hormonal changes, sleep deprivation. All that stuff that comes which we don't talk enough about.

“Of course, there are also the joys of having having children; coming back home to them, seeing them grow…”

So what are the three pieces of advice he can offer parents-to-be?

“Start buying diapers six months before you have the baby.

“If you know you're going to need help, if you don't have your family around you and you know you may need a nanny, get that nanny much before the baby comes. Build a relationship with your nanny because nannies are life savers. I would not be able to be the parent I am today without the help of Virginia and Marilyn who have been part of my family for 14 years.

“Don't be too hard on yourself, is my third piece of advice. We are very hard on ourselves as parents that we're not spending enough time with our kids. We're not doing the right things we should be doing more. Just be gentle on yourself and be kind.”

Lama Shamseddine, one of the panelists at the Baby Expo and the founder of Baby Eats, a company that produces and delivers fresh and healthy organic foods for kids from 6 months to 6 years of age, was delighted by the turnout of the crowd at the Expo. Passionate about infant nutrition and a keen supporter and adviser on inculcating healthy eating habits in children from an early age, she believes it is important that parents ensure mealtimes are relaxed moments.

Lama Shamseddine

“Mealtimes should not be a stressful time where the mom is moving pretty much all over the house with a spoon and a bowl of food trying to feed her baby. That really doesn't work at all.’’

According to Lama, meal times should be pleasant experiences, fun moments where the child discovers new flavours, and textures. “Let them be messy. If they want to touch and feel the food, allow them to. They should develop a sensory connection with the food especially during the early years. This will really help a lot in developing a good relationship with the food.”

She also advises parents to offer a variety of foods to the children. “The more variety you offer, starting very early years, the less picky eaters they grow up to be.”

Visitors at the Baby Expo can expect several more experts conducting workshops addressing essential topics for new parents, such as caring for newborns, lifesaving first aid, and sleep training.

A panel discussion in session at The Baby Expo Dubai, at DWTC on the inaugural day of the event on Friday, May 24 Image Credit:

“Women and expectant parents can expect education and also advice on a wide variety of baby products,’’ says Nick. “Even picking a stroller for instance can be tough because there are so many options available and you need to know the one that’s right for you and your kid. Here, you’ll have the chance to touch and feel and even test it on a stroller testing track that’s at the Baby Expo.”

The Baby Expo Dubai isn't just about education and shopping—it's also a hub of entertainment for the whole family. Enjoy performances by Magic Phil, explore soft play areas, get creative at arts and crafts stations, or indulge in baby massage sessions. Kids can delight in face painting and interactive games, ensuring there's never a dull moment.

Discover educational toys, books, and music to stimulate your child's development, or explore options for nurseries and playschools to ensure they receive the best start in life. Plus, with a range of maternity clothes, breastfeeding clothing, and postpartum support belts available, you'll find everything you need to support your journey through pregnancy and beyond.

Tickets for Baby Expo are now available in store at Virgin Megastore, at

https://tickets.virginmegastore.me/ae/family/23470/the-baby-expo or through The Baby Expo

website www.thebabyexpo.com