Dr Qadri

Pursuing medical education abroad is a dream for many students. The opportunity to study in globally recognised institutions, experience diverse cultures and to gain a high-quality education makes this path highly appealing. However, the process can be complex, involving many steps and considerations. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help students navigate the journey of studying medicine abroad with Qadri International.

Although the UK, US, Canadian and Australian education are considered of the highest quality, it is also extremely competitive, expensive and involves a challenging application process. Recognising these barriers, Qadri International introduces unique opportunities of studying medical programs in Europe, Georgia and Malaysia.

Unique advantages of studying medicine in Europe, Georgia and Malaysia

Studying in Europe, Georgia and Malaysia offers students affordable, globally recognized, English-taught programs. These countries are renowned for their high-quality education and research facilities. Studying abroad also offers a culturally enriching experience, exposing students to diverse perspectives, languages and traditions, preparing them to thrive in an interconnected world.

Step 1: Choosing the right university

The first step is to select the right university based on the budget and preference. Qadri International is committed to assisting students in finding the university that best fits their needs. Established in 1986, they stand as one of the oldest, most reputable and highly professional educational consultancies in the Middle East. They specialize in overseas student recruitment and operate under the license issued by the Ministry of Higher Education UAE, alongside other local and international authorizing bodies. They are partnered with selected renowned institutions ranked among the top 200 to 1,000 universities worldwide.

Some of these universities include:

● University of Debrecen, Hungary

● Charles University, Czech Republic

● Humanitas University, Italy

● UMCH, Germany

● Queen Mary University of London, Malta

● Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia

● Medical University of Warsaw, Poland

These universities are accredited by relevant authorities and recognized by medical councils internationally, providing students with degrees that hold global value.

Step 2: Understanding the application process

The application process for medical schools abroad varies by country and institution. Most universities require students to submit academic transcripts, personal statements and other relevant documents. While admissions are often based on interviews, many European medical universities have an added requirement of passing their entrance exam. Qadri International assists by hosting these exams, saving students the costs, resources and time associated with traveling to the country for the exam.

Step 3: Navigating the visa process

Once accepted into a medical university, the next step is obtaining a student visa. The requirements and procedures for acquiring a visa vary by country. Generally, students must provide proof of acceptance into an accredited university, financial stability and other relevant documents. It’s advisable to start the visa application process well in advance to avoid any delays. Qadri International guides students seamlessly through the visa process.

Step 4: Securing accommodation and settling in

Securing suitable accommodation is another critical aspect. Many universities offer on-campus housing options which can be a convenient and safe choice for international students. Alternatively, students can explore off-campus housing based on their preferences and budget. Qadri International assists students in finding accommodation that aligns with their budget and preferences.

Step 5: Pre-departure counseling

Pre-departure counseling is vital for both students and their parents. This step includes providing information about the country’s culture, climate and living conditions, along with practical tips on student life and staying safe abroad. Qadri International offers comprehensive pre-departure counseling to ensure students are well-prepared for their new academic journey.

Whether in Europe, Georgia, Malaysia or other regions, pursuing medical education abroad with Qadri International offers students an affordable, high-quality education, preparing them for success in the evolving field of healthcare. Qadri International is committed to supporting students every step of the way, ensuring a smooth and successful journey toward achieving their medical career goals.

For any further information, please contact Qadri International at +97143351390 or info@qadri-international.com