I don’t understand why people spend so much money on weddings. Through the years, a wedding has become about impressing others and spending as much as you can afford. As per a recent Gulf News report published a couple weeks ago, 56 per cent of readers believe Indians spend the most money on weddings. This is most likely true.

The wedding function is only for half an hour and the rest is for entertainment and feasting. The bride’s side spends more, apart from giving money and ornaments to the groom’s parents according to their demands. The groom’s side spends less compared to the bride’s side.

Years ago marriage functions took place at the bride’s house because of the joint family system, but nowadays everyone attends and due to the fact that most people live in flats now and there is a space constraint, functions are held at marriage halls for which they have to pump in more money for the hall. After the marriage there is a reception, which is organised by the groom’s parents. Each side spends as much as they can to make it a big show. Major expenses will be for ornaments and expensive dresses, which they use for that particular day only, after which they keep it in a bank locker and cupboard, respectively. Only a wedding chain and ring is needed, which they will use for their entire life.

It is better to make a minimal budget wedding for the total marriage expense and share the expenses with each side equally, except for the dowry, which actually need not be paid at all. Equal partnership is always better for a long lasting relationship. Why don’t they give this unnecessary expense to some charitable institutions or for the development of hospitals?

- The reader is a retired accountant based in Dubai.