It’s not that far-fetched to say that France is a main target by Daesh because of their stance on religion and their socio-economic problems among their Muslim population. Their policies in the recent years have made an impression around the world - not only in their local Muslim communities. There’s no excuse for this type of violence that we’re seeing towards France’s people, but they have angered the wrong people.

Now, when I say “the wrong people”, I don’t mean Muslims. I’m talking about extremists and those susceptible to being brainwashed, as we know that Daesh is not made up of real Muslims. I believe that, although many Muslims might not have liked France’s ruling on face veils and niqabs in public places, real Muslims would never react violently towards the law. However, what it did do was further alienate a group of people who were already at odds with their own country.

Secularism doesn’t have to mean no religion at all, it means that no matter what religion you are, no laws or decisions will be taken in that respect. By making secularism about taking religion out of everything, they have taken away the peace that secularism creates by not affecting people’s religions. They messed up. If a country is truly secular, they should be blind to religion, not intolerant to religion.

Secondly, France’s Muslims population is largely made up of French Africans who, as a demographic, are struggling socio-economically. Although France is largely known as a socialist country, where they are ideally taking care of their people, discrimination and employment is hitting this demographic hard. What do you think that does to a person? It comes back to the people already susceptible to being brainwashed. Lack of education, lack of money and a lack of resources is a dangerous combination in today’s world. Home-grown terrorism is a stark reality for France.

Unless the country begins to establish the causes for home-grown terrorists, these attacks will continue. The people of France urgently need to remember what it is that makes them love their country and their fellow citizens.

- The reader is a writer based in Berlin, Germany.