Education is always a right and priority for children irrespective of their gender in normal circumstances. But refugee children who are torn apart from their parents and families are going through tough emotional situations and are in different circumstances. We need to do whatever we can to heal the scars from this forced brutal Syrian war that will stay on their bodies and souls.

People should volunteer from respective countries and non-governmental organisations (NGO) must spend time with these children and try to heal these scars. Volunteers must try their best to give these children love, hope and positive attitude towards life. The barbaric actions of some adults have ruined their lives, so it’s very important that these refugee children must not grow up with hidden negativity or emotions of revenge.

Professional counsellors can help them in inculcating positive attitudes in these vulnerable minds. They need healthy food because it is said that a healthy body has a healthy mind. NGOs and governments must keep a strict check on these children. We can’t let them be abused as some reports are saying. Children’s safety and security should be a high priority in these refugee camps. Next comes education, which is the basic right of every child.

These unjust atrocities are done by people who are highly educated. How is it possible that these often detrimental resolutions come into play? If the quality of education is the best then why are these developed countries’ governments responsible for dragging out the war in Syria for so long? Why isn’t keeping the peace in the world not their utmost priority and why have they failed these children so horrendously?

- The reader is a freelance writer based in Dubai.