The above poll is based on the page A6 report, ‘Letters to the Editor: The secret to success is hard work’, published in the Your Turn section of Gulf News on May 30.

In the letters, readers said that the more hard work one puts in, the better one scores in exams. So, Gulf News asked: ‘What’s the key to success?’ Four out of 10 poll respondents seemed to agree that hard work is crucial. But, two out of 10 said talent and another two said influence were most necessary.

According to a research published in January’s edition of the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, people tend to have an unconscious preference for achievement that results from innate, natural-born abilities. The study showed that when evaluating entrepreneurs, potential investors seemed to favour people who are naturally talented over “strivers”. However, famous American inventor Thomas Alva Edison once said: “Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety nine percent perspiration.”

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