Manoj Gurnani said: ‘The sight of human hands being used to create, never fails to fascinate.' Image Credit: Manoj Gurnani


It’s over 40 degrees outside. And despite what Game of Thrones’ characters say, winter is definitely not here, in the UAE.

But when you are stuck indoors with your camera, there is a world of photographic opportunities available to you. On a visit to one of the UAE’s many museums, for instance, visitors and art can create an interesting composition for your photograph.

On National Geographic’s website, photographer Matt Adams shares tips. He said: “Watch how visitors are interacting with or viewing the art. Anyone can photograph a famous painting on a wall, but look for more interesting compositions.”

Remember, Article 378 of the UAE Penal Code (Federal Law 3 of 1987) states that taking a person’s picture without their consent or in legally permitted circumstances is an invasion of that person’s privacy or family life. In such cases, not only would the camera or device be confiscated and the recordings destroyed, but the photographer or videographer may have to pay a fine and be imprisoned.

So when photographing people in such environments, make sure you hide their identity.

There are ways to be creative, while ensuring you are following the regulations. For instance, the person in your picture could be facing the art, and not you, as you click from a vantage point behind them. Or the picture could be an artistic blur of moving people, with the masterpiece in the background. Or better yet, get their permission, and click pictures to your heart’s content!

Our reader photographers captured images of daily life in the UAE and from around the world. We asked Gulf News’ twitter followers to pick their favourite reader photograph of the month. They retweeted the picture they liked best. The pictures were ranked based on the highest number of retweets. Here, we present the winners.

Editor’s note: Do you want to participate in our monthly Reader Picture Competition? Send us your best photographs, with captions, at readers@gulfnews.com.


Shaikh Wasif is a procurement manager, based in Abu Dhabi.

He took this photograph in Hyderabad, India. He said: ‘This picture was taken at Mecca Masjid, one of the oldest mosques in the city. People come here to feed these pigeons in the evenings. I saw a beautiful white one, standing out among the regular ones, so I had to click.’

Wasif’s picture received 27 retweets and 40 likes on twitter.


Danish Naduthodi is an accountant, based in Dubai.

His winning photograph was part of a picture essay on avian life at Al Qudra Lake, Dubai. He said: ‘In the middle of the Saih Al Salam desert, are Al Qudra’s manmade lakes. There are lots of migratory birds here.’ Flamingos, especially, stand out among the 175 species of birds recorded at the lake.

His winning photograph received seven retweets and seven likes on twitter.


Manoj Gurnani is a commercial services manager based in Dubai.

His image of a henna artist at work was part of a picture essay from Global Village in Dubai, focused on the theme of hands. He said: “Human hands have forever fascinated me with their ability to emote just as our faces do. From letting us accomplish routine everyday things to creating monumental works of art, with sometimes deft, sometimes delicate dance of fingers, hands make an inspiring subject during the act of creation. In this case, the henna designer was intentionally beautifying someone with her art.”

Gurnani’s photograph garnered three retweets and six likes on twitter.