
A video about driving safe went viral on Thursday morning. It features a young woman who is partially paralysed and has lost all her family in a car crash that was caused by a distracted driver. The video was first shared on a Facebook page called Summer Break, a Los Angeles television show that follows a group of youngsters and their daily life. Other popular pages shared the video on their own wall and it reached thousands of people on the social media channel. Everyone started discussing the dangers of distracted driving.


#DontTextAndDrive/#ItCanWait - The hashtags were among the top trends on Facebook due to the video.

Kourtney Roland: “I was almost hit today driving out of school... Probably some idiot on his phone who wasn’t paying attention. All I know is whatever notification or text you get, it can wait, cause I can guarantee that that other person would rather you respond a couple minutes late and be safe than right away and put yourself or others in danger. It can wait. #donttextanddrive”


Liz Russell: “#itcanwait until you are stopped in a safe place. Too many people lose their life every year due to distracted driving. If this video can prevent even one person from using their phone and driving, I’d be happy. Jacy and her family are a heartbreaking example of how horrible the consequences can be. Just don’t do it. I’m so proud of Jacy Megan for all of the work she has done for this cause. #takethepledge#donttextanddrive


Lisa Reiland: “This is a real thing. Just yesterday I missed two green lights because the girl in front of me was texting while driving. I have seen two people in company cars texting and driving. I will admit I have used my phone before while driving. It is 100% not safe and not okay. It doens’t matter how many likes you get, how many people look at your story on snapchat. The people that are affected by this don’t care about that. My life is not worth your text/snapchat/Facebook/Twitter. My daughter’s life is not worth that. #donttextanddrive #mylifeisworthmorethanyourtext”


Jordan Mackay: “Don’t ruin somebody else’s life, it seems so trivial until you actually see what damage you can cause. #donttextanddrive”

Elizabeth Norberg: “I can honestly say this is something I do not do! When they began bringing awareness to the dangers of texting and driving I signed a pledge that Ellen DeGeneres had started and stuck to it! And even with phone calls unless I’m using hands-free I don’t talk and drive. If it’s someone like my mom etc. I’ll answer and say hey I’m driving I’ll call you back! #Donttextanddrive”

Jovanna Adriana Cisneros: “We should really stop to think before we open a text while on the road. Regardless of the speed we are going! There’s always a place or time to do anything! #donttextanddrive #safetyfirst #weallmatter”


Shanelle D. Frazier: “The good thing is the ability to share this to put it on people’s minds, the bad thing is that for some, it will be temporary, and others just simply won’t care. What saddens me is that it literally takes a tragedy to happen to you or a loved one for you to change. I used to be an avid texter and would check social media while driving until a woman lost her 7 year old while texting and driving. I then slacked off for a while and started back and was almost in a head on collision and God spared me at the last second. I won’t try Him a 3rd time. #donttextanddrive #dontcheckorpostanddrive”