Art is everywhere... Whether from scraps of old, colourful paper, or from the lead off a pencil, innovative artists around the world are breathing life into seemingly mundane objects. They share pictures and tutorials on how to make origami from currency notes, or paint using things from around the home.


#artpeople - The page ‘Art People Gallery’ uses this hashtag to share images of interesting art from around the world. Here are a selected few.

This origami piece of a ‘Nazgul’ is inspired by J. R. R. Tolkein’s books series, Lord of the Rings.

Other origami art, featured on their page.

They titled this image: ‘Street art by Jana and JS.’

Of this picture, they said: ‘Amazingly detailed sand creations.’


#pencilart - User salavat.fidai shared these pictures of intricately carved pencils, created by him.

Among his work, is a miniature of the Burj Al Arab, Dubai.