A promising move

This is a very good move by the British government to dissuade residents from consuming junk food and soft drinks. For example, while ordering food from any fast food chain in a combo meal, we get soft drinks. If you prefer to buy water bottles at those outlets, it usually costs more than what it would cost with the soda.

This is an indirect way of selling soft drinks. People tend to buy it as it is cheaper than water and it is sold as a combo along with any meal. A sugar tax seems to be a promising move in helping people lead a healthier lifestyle.

From Ms Shajitha Shifa


Make healthy food cheaper

We will soon get to know that there will be a tax on the oxygen that we breathe. How will bakeries run with a sugar tax? Instead they could work on the marketing strategy. They could implement selling healthy food at the supermarkets for a reasonable price rather than sell soda and cakes on offer. Governments should help farmers grow more vegetables.

From Mr Tabassum Khan


Who pays the hospital bills?

One state in the US did this on all cigarettes. They could not see the joke in allowing tobacco companies to sell cigarettes to anyone and then have the buyer end their last years in a state hospital paid for by the state, while the tobacco companies gave nothing for the buyers’ medical expenses.

It’s a good idea with the seller having a surcharge imposed on their product, while they claim they have a right to sell this rubbish to anyone for a profit. Just involve them in paying towards the damages if they “have a right” to sell.

From Mr Tony Silvester


Take care of yourself

I think we don’t need to over burden our governments with certain issues. The rate of someone’s sugar intake doesn’t require legislation from the government. Why should people have to wait for the government to bother about their lives? We must be mindful about ourselves before our governments have to get involved.

A diabetes-free life must start with you as an individual. For example, out of principal, I don’t eat cakes. I don’t put sugar in my cup of tea or coffee. I replaced soda with water, and I try as much as possible to avoid artificial sugars in my meals. But I do this simply because I know about its negative impact on my body. It’s high time people stopped doing this. Let me ask a question: do people need government legislation in order to exercise even when they know how good it is for them?

From Ms Tebajjukira Erisa


People want to eat

I don’t think any kind of tax will stop people from buying junk food. On the other hand, maybe someone should try to lower the prices of raw foods. There are many of us who don’t see the benefits of any food when buying it. A full box of soda on sale might cost the same as a small pack of milk. So, do you think people will buy the healthy one? No. Most people just don’t care about what they are feeding themselves with, which is very sad.

From Ms Aisha M. Yousef


Educate consumers

Education of the consumer is the key! Once consumers are aware of the dangers of sugar, then they won’t buy such products so often. We can hope! The consumer holds the power if only they believe it!

From Ms Maxene Dodds


Unhealthy food is cheap

Sometimes it’s not a matter of eating what is best for you, but eating what you can afford. Have you ever seen what foods are given at foodbanks? Bread, bread and more bread. Donuts, crackers, snacks, spaghetti, sugar coated cereal, cake, hot dogs, cookies, potatoes, baked beans and very little of that is good for you.

Milk, an apple, six eggs and in season fresh tomatoes, turnips and greens with little to go with it to make a healthy meal. That is what is donated because it’s the cheapest to get.

So, if you have a little money, you will go to a fast food place where your money goes further.

From Ms Patricia Brown


Money making idea

Governments do really care about their people’s health issues or they just have invented new ideas of making money through such ideas. Who really cares that we eat healthy? It’s our mothers who do so with logic and love.

From Ms Syeda Ahmad


Regulating our lives

Governments do not exist to regulate your life. Learn some self-control. If you let them regulate this, it will keep going until you have no rights anymore.

From Mr Matt Kraemer


Won’t stop people

No tax can stop people from eating junk food unless you make it worth a fortune. Still, half of the people will afford it.

From Ms Sofia Kashif


Tax the companies

Why tax the people? Why not tax the sugar companies that manufacture them?

From Ms Kathrine Cabigao


Sugar alternatives

They will find some chemicals instead of sugar, which is already used by some. We are already in a world of chemicals.

From Ms Benny Krishnan Nair


Soda is dangerous

We should implement this tax so that the use of these toxic drinks can be reduce. Soft drinks are dangerous. I appreciate this move by the UK government.

From Mr Faisal Nazir


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