ABU DHABI: The start of a school term after vacations often brings with it a spate of infections among children.
Dr. Dinesh Banur, head of Paediatric Services at Royal New Medical Centre Hospital, said he sees up to 30 per cent rise in the number of infection cases during this time of the year.
“Children contract different kinds of ailments from different countries when they travel to. Along with vacation stories, they unwittingly share infections too with their classmates.
Common ailments
“Infections like Delhi belly, dengue fever, typhoid etc are common among children returning from the subcontinent,” he said. Other infections are influenza (cough and cold), gastroenteritis (watery diarrhoea and vomiting) and exacerbation of asthma (worsening of seasonal allergies).
Dr Elham Mohammad Shaltout, paediatric specialist at Universal Hospital, said infections caused by insect bites and fungus are also routine. “Fungus infections among children can be prevented by changing their sweat-stained clothing regularly,” she said.
Handwashing benefits
According to Dr. Dinesh, hand washing is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of infections. Children should be constantly reminded to avoid touching their mouth, nose and eyes. They should be instructed to cough or sneeze into a tissue or the crook of their elbow. Crowded places and swimming pools should be avoided.
“Warm fluids, like soup, are good for flu. When your child is suffering from a cough, a spoonful of honey before bed may help to improve sleep and symptoms throughout the night. Cough medications are seldom effective as cough is a protective reflex of the body to expel out any foreign body or irritant present in the larynx or the lower respiratory tract. Common cold is a self-limiting illness and usually gets better in three to five days,” he said. For gastroenteritis, he advised drinking clean potable water and eating freshly prepared food. “There should be adequate fluid intake and emphasis should be placed on washing hands after using the toilet,” said Dr. Dinesh
“But if the symptoms are very severe or persistent, parents should immediately consult a doctor.” he added.