Dubai: Ten rehabilitated drug addicts will get a chance to perform Haj, as the Awqaf and Minors Affairs Foundation (AMAF) in Dubai has announced its sponsorship of a Haj trip for 10 reformed addicts for the second consecutive year.

The sponsorship is part of this humanitarian initiative, where AMAF will provide Dh200,000 to help the beneficiaries perform Hajj for the current year.

The announcement was made by Ahmad Bu Shihab, Director of Institutional Support Department at AMAF, in the presence of Colonel Khalid Saleh Al Kuwari, Director of the General Department of Anti-Narcotics at Dubai Police, and Major Dr Jumaa Sultan Al Shamsi, Director of Awareness and Precaution at the General Department of Anti–Narcotics, and Ahmad Bani Yas, Director of Financial Affairs Department at the AMAF.

Bu Shihab said, “We believe that gentle persuasion and positive reinforcement always produce the desired reform. The positive efforts of individuals, no matter how different their social status, should also be rewarded. AMAF has pledged to cover all expenses of this trip to enable the reformed beneficiaries to perform the Haj this year and encourage them to start a new life.”

He added that this initiative also seeks to promote a culture of giving and philanthropy in the UAE society.

Colonel Al Kuwairi commended the initiative and explained that Dubai Police, represented by the General Department of Anti–Narcotics, is keen to support every reformed addict and seek in every way to re-integrate the individual into mainstream society as a valuable and contributing member.

“We are conscious that the potential of such individuals must not be wasted, but rather be utilised in a constructive way for their own personal benefit, as well as their families and the community in general.” he added.

The General Department of Anti–Narcotics, Al Kuwairi said, is working hard to promote awareness among people to caution them against consuming drugs, through educational lectures in all government departments, schools, and public and private universities.

“We also hold periodic exhibitions and outreach programmes across the UAE to send the message out to the wider public.” he said.