Dubai:  Rugby sevens makes its debut at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, but a chance for gold for the Brazil men's team in this category seems slim.

The women's team stands a better chance explains development officer for Brazilian Rugby Joao Nogueira.

Only the women have put forward a team for the Dubai Rugby Sevens. They may have lost all their games since the time of print 35-0 and 12-7 against France and Almaty Kazakhstan respectively in the Women's International Invitation league — but they are still the best in South America for seven years running, and have cheered up spectators with their high morale.


Results: Women's International Invitation (available at time of print)

Group A

7 France 35-0 Brazil

Almaty Kazakhstan 26-26 Pink Ba Bas

Almaty kazakhstan 12-7 Brazil

France 19-14 Pink Ba Bas

Group B

Wooden Spoon 67-0 Zarechie

Moscow Region 58-0 Zarechie

Wooden Spoon - Bye

Moscow Region - Bye

Group C

Samarai Dubai 39-0 Khimki

Kenya Lionesses 20-0 Burevestnik

Kenya Lionesses 10-7 Khimki

Samurai Dubai 43-0 Burevestnik

Group D

Tuks Womens 21-5 Slavyanka

Rugby Ecosse Feminin 14-12 Olymp

Rugby Ecosse Feminin 36-0 Slavyanka

Tuks Womens 7-15 Olymp